Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees
@lufins-dad said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Significant Minority? 80,000,000 unvaccinated adults. Another 25,000,000 that avoided the vaccine until the last month. Where do you think they fall into the debate? Then, how many people that are like me, Copper, Horace, Jolly? People that gladly chose to be vaccinated but are deadset against having people strong armed into it? How many people like George and Mik, that aren’t as deadset against it as I am, but still find it to be overreach and likely illegal?
You may be wrong about the minority opinion.
75% of adults have received at least one dose. So it’s 52m not 80. So my 35% accounts for an additional that have at least one does and may be anti mask.
@loki said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
So my 35% accounts for an additional that have at least one does and may be anti mask.
The question is about a vaccine mandate for others.
I got the vaccine for me as soon as I could.
I don't think the government should force it on anyone.
I think a lot of other vaccinated Americans still like the idea of freedom to make your own choices.
And one thing that makes me positive that the vaccine is now all about politics is that natural immunity is still largely ignored.
Because I had covid, I have natural immunity. Recent studies suggest that may be more effective protection than the vaccines. But that is completely ignored by those pushing a vaccine mandate.
I just noticed the term 'natural immunity' now has several meanings. There is the 'natural immunity' I have and now there seems to be a tin-foil-hat version of 'natural immunity' that comes from some mystical place. Was this invented to discredit the original 'natural immunity'?
Significant Minority? 80,000,000 unvaccinated adults. Another 25,000,000 that avoided the vaccine until the last month. Where do you think they fall into the debate? Then, how many people that are like me, Copper, Horace, Jolly? People that gladly chose to be vaccinated but are deadset against having people strong armed into it? How many people like George and Mik, that aren’t as deadset against it as I am, but still find it to be overreach and likely illegal?
You may be wrong about the minority opinion.
@lufins-dad said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
How many people like George and Mik, that aren’t as deadset against it as I am, but still find it to be overreach and likely illegal?
In the law, it is called an admission against interest or an out-of-court statement by a party that, when uttered, is against the party’s pecuniary, proprietary, or penal interests. In politics, it is called just dumb. White House chief of staff Ronald Klain offered a doozy this week when he admitted that the announced use of the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for a vaccine mandate was a mere “work around” of the constitutional limit imposed on the federal government. The problem is that the thing being “worked around” is the Constitution. Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional protections.
Notably, before inauguration, Klain publicly assured the public that Biden would that, on “his first day in office, I will issue a nationwide masking mandate, requiring that people wear masks where the federal authority extends and then urging governors and other local officials to impose mask mandates in their states.” That statement was then walked back due to the lack of legal authority to issue such a mandate.
Klain retweeted MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, who posted, “OSHA doing this vaxx mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.”
The “work around” was needed because, as some of us have previously during both the Trump and Biden Administration, the federal government does not have clear authority to impose public health mandates. Authority for such mandates has traditionally been recognized within state authority.
Oh, and remember, this man, who, while candidate for the presidency, said that he doubted he had the authority to establish a mask mandate.
Again, I'm not disputing that it's a good idea, I'm just wearing my pretend lawyer hat.
@george-k said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Oh, and remember, this man, who, while candidate for the presidency, said that he doubted he had the authority to establish a mask mandate.
Again, I'm not disputing that it's a good idea, I'm just wearing my pretend lawyer hat.
I’ll dispute it being a good idea. It’s the worst idea ever, IMO. I don’t mean masking, and I don’t mean vaccinating… Vaccinating is a fucking great idea and masking doesn’t hurt… Mandating it? Worst idea ever.
@george-k said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Seen on twitter.
Why does Joe Biden hate poor people?
Now check that proportionally against the general makeup of the US.
Significant Minority? 80,000,000 unvaccinated adults. Another 25,000,000 that avoided the vaccine until the last month. Where do you think they fall into the debate? Then, how many people that are like me, Copper, Horace, Jolly? People that gladly chose to be vaccinated but are deadset against having people strong armed into it? How many people like George and Mik, that aren’t as deadset against it as I am, but still find it to be overreach and likely illegal?
You may be wrong about the minority opinion.
@lufins-dad said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Significant Minority? 80,000,000 unvaccinated adults. Another 25,000,000 that avoided the vaccine until the last month. Where do you think they fall into the debate? Then, how many people that are like me, Copper, Horace, Jolly? People that gladly chose to be vaccinated but are deadset against having people strong armed into it? How many people like George and Mik, that aren’t as deadset against it as I am, but still find it to be overreach and likely illegal?
You may be wrong about the minority opinion.
You might even get Trump back.
@george-k said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Seen on twitter.
Why does Joe Biden hate poor people?
Now check that proportionally against the general makeup of the US.
@lufins-dad said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
@george-k said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Seen on twitter.
Why does Joe Biden hate poor people?
Now check that proportionally against the general makeup of the US.
Significant Minority? 80,000,000 unvaccinated adults. Another 25,000,000 that avoided the vaccine until the last month. Where do you think they fall into the debate? Then, how many people that are like me, Copper, Horace, Jolly? People that gladly chose to be vaccinated but are deadset against having people strong armed into it? How many people like George and Mik, that aren’t as deadset against it as I am, but still find it to be overreach and likely illegal?
You may be wrong about the minority opinion.
@lufins-dad said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
FWIW I’m very much against vaccines being required, and in this case it’s a significant abuse of power from the executive branch.
Why now? Florida, Louisiana, and Texas have all not just crested, but the numbers are dropping quickly. If you go through the graphs of each state, you'll see that almost all have leveled off or even started to drop despite being 3-4 weeks into the new school year. We're aware of the problems with Delta and the vaccines, and those most at risk are getting their boosters. We've got an effective treatment with Regeneron and access to monoclonal antibodies is increasing. The CDC has estimated that we are getting close to herd immunity and we've vaccinated another 10% of the population over the last 45 days or so. We're just starting to see the daylight from the Delta scare. I'm not saying we're out of the woods, Mu and Lamda are out there, but a vaccine mandate ain't going to do squat with those...
So why go all macho bigboy pants now? Is it because they know the numbers are going to drop regardless and they want to have some action that they can point to to try and take credit?
Why now? Florida, Louisiana, and Texas have all not just crested, but the numbers are dropping quickly. If you go through the graphs of each state, you'll see that almost all have leveled off or even started to drop despite being 3-4 weeks into the new school year. We're aware of the problems with Delta and the vaccines, and those most at risk are getting their boosters. We've got an effective treatment with Regeneron and access to monoclonal antibodies is increasing. The CDC has estimated that we are getting close to herd immunity and we've vaccinated another 10% of the population over the last 45 days or so. We're just starting to see the daylight from the Delta scare. I'm not saying we're out of the woods, Mu and Lamda are out there, but a vaccine mandate ain't going to do squat with those...
So why go all macho bigboy pants now? Is it because they know the numbers are going to drop regardless and they want to have some action that they can point to to try and take credit?
@lufins-dad said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Why now? Florida, Louisiana, and Texas have all not just crested, but the numbers are dropping quickly. If you go through the graphs of each state, you'll see that almost all have leveled off or even started to drop despite being 3-4 weeks into the new school year. We're aware of the problems with Delta and the vaccines, and those most at risk are getting their boosters. We've got an effective treatment with Regeneron and access to monoclonal antibodies is increasing. The CDC has estimated that we are getting close to herd immunity and we've vaccinated another 10% of the population over the last 45 days or so. We're just starting to see the daylight from the Delta scare. I'm not saying we're out of the woods, Mu and Lamda are out there, but a vaccine mandate ain't going to do squat with those...
So why go all macho bigboy pants now? Is it because they know the numbers are going to drop regardless and they want to have some action that they can point to to try and take credit?
I've done one COVID test today. Saturday before last, I did 20.
Conresscritters and other congressional employees are exempt.
USPS is “considering” whether to comply.
@lufins-dad said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Why now? Florida, Louisiana, and Texas have all not just crested, but the numbers are dropping quickly. If you go through the graphs of each state, you'll see that almost all have leveled off or even started to drop despite being 3-4 weeks into the new school year. We're aware of the problems with Delta and the vaccines, and those most at risk are getting their boosters. We've got an effective treatment with Regeneron and access to monoclonal antibodies is increasing. The CDC has estimated that we are getting close to herd immunity and we've vaccinated another 10% of the population over the last 45 days or so. We're just starting to see the daylight from the Delta scare. I'm not saying we're out of the woods, Mu and Lamda are out there, but a vaccine mandate ain't going to do squat with those...
So why go all macho bigboy pants now? Is it because they know the numbers are going to drop regardless and they want to have some action that they can point to to try and take credit?
This is definitely one reason why.
The family of a man who died of heart issues in Mississippi is asking people to get vaccinated for COVID-19 after 43 hospitals across three states were unable to accept him because of full cardiac ICUs. -
@mik said in Biden to mandate vaccination or weekly testing for companies over 100 employees:
Delta is making its way through other states Ohio is showing very high numbers and climbing.
Yes, There are a few areas where it is still growing (Ohio and Idaho pop to mind) but most states have leveled off.