@taiwan_girl said in Trump’s advice for U.S. Jews:
To me,
US Jewish person DOES NOT automatically equal 100% support for Isreal
just like
Black person DOES NOT automatically equal 100% support for Democrat
Of course there is no expectation of lockstep opinions. (I mean except for the left’s expectation of lockstep for any given intersectional label).
The issue in need of addressing, is when a person invokes their heritage as a personal reason for feeling a certain way, but the way they feel is at odds with the mainstream viewpoint of that heritage.
It’s not impossible that one’s heritage is a reason for any given viewpoint, but it needs some explanation if your lived experience of that heritage leads you to one conclusion, while the lived experience of most others of that heritage, leads to a different one.
There is a chance that these people are using their heritage as a cheat code to express an opinion that cannot be questioned by those who don’t have that heritage. When the opinion actually has nothing to do with their heritage. Shhhh. That’s a secret cheat code, please don’t tell anybody about it. Word might get out, and people who use it might begin to seem like douches.