Off the top of my head I’m thinking of 8 Ukrainians who came to YYC during this war. All but 2 speak, read, write fluent English. Very well educated, they take on minimum wage jobs .. they are diligent, quick, efficient. I remember the 2 brand new refugees who helped my son move. They were hired by a Ukrainian Canadian who owns a moving company. Complete with their cell phones, google maps and a translation app they figured out my kid’s IKEA and wifi situation, sourced out the location for the needed IKEA part, went above and beyond setting up his furniture and equipment. They didn’t have to do that. Those 2 boys were really strong, and had a treadmill unloaded and down a narrow L-shaped stairwell in minutes. The girls & mothers I know (1 whom I’ve friended) all have good educations. I’ve volunteered anything I can do to help them with their permanent residency applications. Ukrainians are darn good people, smart, industrious and make for the best citizens. Canada (prairie people especially) knew this long before this recent war. I grew up alongside many Ukrainians. We’d love to have more of them as teachers, doctors, nurses, tech people.
The Ukraine war thread -
The Ukraine war threadI enjoyed watching that @Renauda . Thanks for posting this.
Vo-tech is cool.@jon-nyc I badly wanted to take shop in junior high, but girls weren’t allowed. So I said, okay, I’ll take home economics, but mom didn’t allow me that saying, oh you can learn to sew here at home. It seemed everything school wise was geared toward gaining university entrance, not real life. I’m sure, given the choice, my brother would’ve done something in the trades too. He was a policy writer, planner, manager with our city, … but his garage in his own home, turned into a welding shop.
Illegal Border Crossings Surge - from USA to CanadaI imagine Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba to be the worst borders to cross on foot in winter. The wind is especially brutal here.
Illegal Border Crossings Surge - from USA to CanadaCongratulations
And yes, do get that passport. -
Hey bike peepsLol, but ouch! That probably hurt for days and ended up a pretty shade of purple.
Meeting Jon (part 2)He’s a good looking young man @jon-nyc
Quiet here@Horace Wow. Calculus. How excellent. You’re a smart one!
Trump and your expectations@LuFins-Dad said in Trump and your expectations:
I think clear pardons for any non-violent offenders and case by case beyond that. I actually don’t mind the Gaza stuff, I think I see where he’s going. The Canada thing is weird, but as much as I love Blondie and Renauda (in a hunting and fishing kind of way), I don’t mind the reminder that even our close allies are still competitors and that not all of our goals line up.
Competitors? No, I disagree. We can’t compete with your country. You folks are huge by population, by economics, by manufacturing, by military, by everything. It’s Mr. Trump who’s now making us out to be a “competitor” like it’s a battle or something. To me, our countries have always had a symbiotic respectful relationship.
How to tell the cats like their new food?One of ours was like this. It was always when the other humans were away.
LuFins, ok to start at 6?I think it’s all about enjoyment of music and learning something fun from a 6 yr old’s point of view. Something she’ll sit down at not just to practice lessons but to play with, experiment with, develop her ear for, sing with. It was way too formal and painful when I was a kid. That old wooden upright. My 65 yr old friend has a keyboard her daughter once used and I noticed girly pink flower stickers on it. If I had a redo as a parent, sure, why not? It’s all about enjoyment of music.
Trump says the USA will takeover GazaYour generation will be shaping the future 89th. In your country, in mine, everywhere.
Canadian Tariff situation gets its own threadNo 89th. Way too many mosquitoes and then, well, there’s polar bears.
Canadian Tariff situation gets its own thread@89th Noted. Sorry.
Trump says the USA will takeover GazaWell good luck to all of you in America. I’m hoping there’s someone in your country who can stifle this man.
Canadian Tariff situation gets its own thread@Tom-K Hi
What you said of the cartels and Americans .. I thought the same yesterday. There are many Canucks down there too. -
Canadian Tariff situation gets its own threadA Leader Supreme. His life goal. Modelled from Putin.
A delusional narcissist. -
President Putin on the US TariffsSheesh. I gagged a little bit @jon-nyc . Perhaps cancer or something will take both of them out.
Canadian Tariff situation gets its own thread@Doctor-Phibes Doug Ford just sacrificed 15,000 souls in Ontario. Let’s hope they get coverage soon. This is likely pennies to Elon.