So.. the world's oldest man died today....
Why does this keep happening?.....
I've figured out why so many old women have so many cats..
It's called many paws.....
Last night my wife met me at the front door wearing nothing but a tiny little see through nightie.
Unfortunately, she was the one coming home....
Knock knock.....
Who's there?
Shit...... Stop the funeral!!
So.. I booked a flight today and the girl said "window or aisle?"
I said "Window or you'll what?"
So.. the feminist picnic was a total disaster...
None of them were willing to make sammiches...
This quarantine stay at home thing is apparently putting a real strain on many marriages.
But I'm happy to report that mine is going strong.. just this morning I woke up to find my wife holding a pillow tightly over my face... she was just trying to protect me from the virus..
You guys might know.... should the right testicle be bigger than the middle one?
Asking for a friend....
A priest, a imam, and a rabbit go into a bar.
The bartender asks the rabbit, “what’ll you have?”
The rabbit says, “I don’t know, I’m only here because of autocorrect”.
I called my wife and asked her if she wanted me to pick up fish and chips on the way home, but she just grunted at me.
I think she still regrets letting me name the twins.
I overdosed on Viagra last week.
It was the hardest day of my life....
The Amish community had 20 cases of Corona yesterday.
They drank it all in a few hours though...
Man you should see the screwed up barn they built.....
They said they were feeling a little hoarse and buggy....
I read in the news that anagram lovers were more likely to get the virus if they were asked to spell "racoon"...
My doctor told me I have chronic constipation.
Personally, I couldn't give a shit.
A ship carrying red paint and a ship carrying blue paint both crashed on an island. All the sailors were marooned.
So the guy who invented throat lozenges died the other day.
There was no coffin at his funeral....
So.. I asked my urologist if he could do a scrotal lift. He said "Yes, I've made a lot of money going for the low hanging fruit..."