Flight Sim users.
The first one I played was called 'Worlds of Flight' for the Dragon 32 (32K of memory!), which was a UK-made clone of the TRS-80, and looked very much like that.
Thanks Mark and Dr. Phibes and others!
Wow. I had no idea, but glad I asked the question. Frankly, it would be a little tough to convince my wife about spending a few thousand on something as sophisticated as the cocpit reality machines.
I hope you guys download and play, and then post how it goes. I'm not sure, but it looks like the computer requirements may exceed what my Dell can do.
The virtual reality goggles are beyond cool. I knew the technology was being developed over the years, but never heard about it until being reintroduced to the links Mark and Phibes posted.
I will be telling my wife and my son about these, hoping my son will help influence my wife on why we NEED this kind of stuff.
How can I live without these simulators? Difficult if not impossible.
I just must have it. Really sweetheart, it helps eliminate those thoughts of suicide when I'm playing. So it's for my health, don't you see?I'll work on it.