More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?
In what other aspects of your life do you apply the rationale you use to avoid a Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle? (i.e. “This action/choice is indefensible but I’ll do it anyway since it’s 1. enjoyable, and 2. socially permissible.”) – Ndi S. (New York, NY)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^If I’m understanding correctly, the question is: “You’ve admitted that despite knowing how wrong it is to support the torture and brutal slaughter of helpless animals, you do it anyway because you’re kind of a dick. Where else in your life are you kind of a dick in a similar way?”
Good question. Let’s see…
I’m typing this on a MacBook Pro made in a Chinese factory of nightmares and suicide.
I buy plastic things a lot and only recycle them if it’s easy.
I’m wearing clothes most likely sewn by a melancholy 11-year-old somewhere far away in “Let’s just not think about that!” land.
I sometimes leave the water running while I’m brushing my teeth even though lack of clean water is destroying like 50% of the world’s happiness.
I hire unpaid interns sometimes.
I walk by 15 homeless people a day and give them money only when I have change in my pocket and then walk into a coffee shop and tip the barista a dollar or two even though they definitely have a bed.
If I walk by someone’s house and a mean-looking dog is in the yard behind a fence, I bark at him to get him worked up because it’s funny and he doesn’t know how to open the gate.
I leave my phone on LTE until the plane gets too high to get a signal.
I sneak down to better seats at the Red Sox game.
I sometimes sign Andrew up for the mailing lists of fortune tellers and other mystics when I have a few minutes to kill on the internet.
I cohabitate with a tortoise in a small apartment even though he belongs in the desert.
I heard a comic person say,
"I am not a vegetarian because I care about animals. I am a vegetarian because I hate plants!!!!"
@catseye3 said in More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?:
In what other aspects of your life do you apply the rationale you use to avoid a Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle?
I reject the premise, sorry.
I went full vegan for 3 months. Even after the steep nutrition alternative learning curve, I felt terrible—lightheaded, weak and generally unhealthy—I constantly had diarrhea, and my shit was a green, puddinglike consistency whose odor was gargantuan in its offense.
I eat meat for health reasons. Just not a whole lot of it. Also for health reasons.
@aqua-letifer said in More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?:
@catseye3 said in More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?:
In what other aspects of your life do you apply the rationale you use to avoid a Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle?
I reject the premise, sorry.
I went full vegan for 3 months. Even after the steep nutrition alternative learning curve, I felt terrible—lightheaded, weak and generally unhealthy—I constantly had diarrhea, and my shit was a green, puddinglike consistency whose odor was gargantuan in its offense.
I eat meat for health reasons. Just not a whole lot of it. Also for health reasons.
You certainly have a way with words.
I'm a simple man. We raise 'em, we kill 'em, we eat 'em. Fuck 'em. Many of them would gladly eat you while your heart still beat without a shred of concern about your welfare. Nature, as they say, is metal.
A friend of a friend posted a picture of a fox in England, with a dead cat in its mouth. It was a reaction against people who dislike fox hunting, which has been banned for a while. One of the comments was 'See, foxes aren't nice cuddly animals, they're evil!' which struck me as a particularly stupid anthropomorphism, particularly if you've ever watched a cat play with a mouse.
Anyway, to digress, I'm with Oscar Wilde regarding British fox hunting - 'The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable'.
Ever kill a cow with a sledgehammer?
I have.
Tim wouldn't like me.
@mik said in More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?:
We are much too removed from our food sources.
@mik said in More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?:
We are much too removed from our food sources.
Will I look like an idiot if I ask who Tim Urban is?
@mik said in More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?:
Not at all. As near as I can determine he is a 7th place American Idol finalist. In other words, nobody.
LOL. That's a different guy entirely.
His ‘wait but why’ blog has had some epic entries. We’ve talked about some over the years.
@mik said in More From Tim Urban: What Do YOU Do?:
Like there's two Tim Urbans...riiight.
Personally, I prefer to be called Tim Urbane. It's like Brown and Browne, but it's important.