RIP Rush.
@aqua-letifer said in RIP Rush.:
@aqua-letifer said in RIP Rush.:
I have no idea what that refers to at all.
Fox testified in Congress opposing the Bush administrations ban on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. Note, there was no "ban" on this research; it was a ban of federal funding for it. For his testimony, advocating more funds for embryonic stem cell research, he stopped his medications to exaggerate the ravages of his Parkinson's disease. It was theater.
Almost 20 years later, has ESC research made any progress in the treatment of Parkinson's?
I'll consider this relevant as soon as we get back to the other two quotes I referenced. If they aren't relevant than neither is any of this.
George asked for context. I don't think you have provided any.
Besides, the man was on the air for three hours a day, five days a week for thirty years. You want to go hunting crap to stake out a position? I'm sure you could find just about anything you wanted.
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
@aqua-letifer said in RIP Rush.:
he was not a nutter.
"They [black people] are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?"
"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. ... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."
"Holocaust 90 million Indians? Only four million left? They all have casinos, what's to complain about?"
Not sure the first paragraph is honest. The next two, well, four hours a day, and I don't know what MJF was saying at the time. We should ask Larry about the Indians but he was already driven off by the liberals who don't like him.
Oh, do fuck off. Honestly, Larry doled out way more vitriol than anything he received from me and "all the liberals" here.
By the way, imagine how your would have reacted if Larry was Black. Just imagine.
I'd no doubt have accompanied him on the banjo-ukelele as he sang a famous rendition of 'Way down on the Suwannee River'.
Don't pull the fucking race card.
Why not?
Over the years, do you know how many people thought Larry was black?
Basically, Horace is calling me a racist. Not 'liberals in general'. Me. In a moderately nice way admittedly, but that's what he's doing. It's probably not what he intended, but the fact that I took issue with something Larry wrote has nothing whatsoever to do with his skin colour. Maybe we should ask why we don't take issue with questionable things that people on our own side write, rather than try to bring the American obsession with race into the discussion.
And I wasn't nasty about Larry. All I did was say he'd posted some rather nasty stuff, which I completely stand by. He took offence, I didn't intend to give it.
A lack of self awareness. Not a lack of decency, which I fully believe you have. I think you absolutely would not have had an identical reaction to Larry if you thought he was African American. You would have donned the kid gloves.
Can't speak for Phibes (though I can guess), but for me that is bullshit of the purest ray serene.
As for Limbaugh: I wouldn't have wished his illness and suffering and death on him, but I'm not grieving, either. To me he was annoying.
I remember at least one poster calling the late poster Whacky Iraqi a "sand nigger" before it was revealed that he was actually English, and white.
So much for the kid glove theory.
A lack of self awareness. Not a lack of decency, which I fully believe you have. I think you absolutely would not have had an identical reaction to Larry if you thought he was African American. You would have donned the kid gloves.
Can't speak for Phibes (though I can guess), but for me that is bullshit of the purest ray serene.
Didn't have to pull a race card with Larry, he waved his indigenous ancestry in everyone's face. Granted he was self-deprecating about it but he nevertheless did it regularly.
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
I remember at least one poster calling the late poster Whacky Iraqi a "sand nigger" before it was revealed that he was actually English, and white.
So much for the kid glove theory.
sand n-word does not mean African American.
A lack of self awareness. Not a lack of decency, which I fully believe you have. I think you absolutely would not have had an identical reaction to Larry if you thought he was African American. You would have donned the kid gloves.
Can't speak for Phibes (though I can guess), but for me that is bullshit of the purest ray serene.
Didn't have to pull a race card with Larry, he waved his indigenous ancestry in everyone's face. Granted he was self-deprecating about it but he nevertheless did it regularly.
Nobody cares about Larry's ancestry. My point, hopefully obviously, was to illustrate that African Americans, at least within America, are considered exceptional. Any of them who manages to reach the echelons of middle class existence are so much more than welcome. I don't work with a lot of them, in fact it's extraordinary when one is hired into a technical position. When I worked at the headquarters campus, the African American people were in maintenance and reception. I don't believe this is because hiring managers were intentionally trying to not hire them into technical positions. I blame it on pop culture and how it views African Americans, the hopelessness, which is relentlessly reinforced. Telling kids that they are going to be repressed is really bad.
These sorts of ideas are not original to me, lots of smart African Americans would concur. It's just that the media doesn't tell anybody about it.
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
@horace I've hired two black engineers, and I actually had to fire one of them for poor performance.
Your assumption that I would somehow not argue with Larry if he was black was very peculiar.
Well I've already said you didn't argue with him to begin with. I'm mostly speaking to native born Americans.
I've watched African American colleagues get treated differently in meetings. I've never worked directly with a single one, to be honest, but we had some company training meeting (not race related) and there were two in the meeting I was in. There were about 20 people in the meeting and the leader, a white female, was so effusive in her praise of everything the black person said. Another white male in the meeting randomly yelled out how much he hated Trump. These things don't happen in real meetings.
Then again, I'm in California. Personally, I would relish the opportunity to work with an African American. My company is working hard to make that happen.
Yeah, we're having a big diversity drive at our place too. I think it's a sign of the times. I haven't found working with minorities to be any different from working with all the other foreigners I'm forced to deal with on a daily basis. People still occasionally ask me if I know "John", from London. I told a couple of them no, and furthermore that I can't stand Londoners. They looked surprised.
Somewhat related
Not specifically about Rush Limbaugh, but interesting article about when people start believing their own lies and why they do.
One paragraph
When people believe something about themselves, they don’t want to give it up, even in the face of evidence against their belief. One of the key aspects behind this phenomenon is our use of “motivated reasoning.” The definition of motivated reasoning I like best is writer Tim Harford’s, from a fascinating piece detailing how the world’s top authority on Dutch painters managed to convince himself a forged Johannes Vermeer painting was the real thing when it so obviously wasn’t. “Motivated reasoning is thinking through a topic with the aim of reaching a particular conclusion,” Harford explains. You know what you want to be true, so you let the outcome you desire guide your thinking.If you’re certain that you’re smarter than most other people and you tune out all evidence that contradicts that, why wouldn’t you believe yourself? This explains how blind spots become entrenched in one’s thinking.
@taiwan_girl said in RIP Rush.:
Somewhat related
Not specifically about Rush Limbaugh, but interesting article about when people start believing their own lies and why they do.
One paragraph
When people believe something about themselves, they don’t want to give it up, even in the face of evidence against their belief. One of the key aspects behind this phenomenon is our use of “motivated reasoning.” The definition of motivated reasoning I like best is writer Tim Harford’s, from a fascinating piece detailing how the world’s top authority on Dutch painters managed to convince himself a forged Johannes Vermeer painting was the real thing when it so obviously wasn’t. “Motivated reasoning is thinking through a topic with the aim of reaching a particular conclusion,” Harford explains. You know what you want to be true, so you let the outcome you desire guide your thinking.If you’re certain that you’re smarter than most other people and you tune out all evidence that contradicts that, why wouldn’t you believe yourself? This explains how blind spots become entrenched in one’s thinking.
UNQUOTEAnd some people are like a reed in the wind and believe nothing.
Many Republicans view Rush as the the guy who took the torch of "fuck the little guy" conservatism from Ronald Reagan. Rush set the stage, not only for the likes of Hannity and Fox news, but for the tea party idiots and Trumpism. Rush was their founding father, the modern day George Washington. And he made it popular to be a dick. The reason why his admirers like him so much is that he always stuck it to the libs. It didn't matter that he lied or misrepresented the truth. He pioneered the notion that the media was wrong and that only he and like-minded morons were the sole purveyors of the truth. He was a bloated sack of shit and his "ditto heads" are gullible imbeciles.
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
What exactly did I say to Larry that upset you so?
I honestly don't think I said anything particularly unpleasant.
I can't think of anything. I am only sad that he left.
I'm sad he left, too.
But, if you're going to dish it out as much as he did, I think you do have to be prepared to take a little back.
The resident ahole left because he was one of the nutters that was soooooo sure Trump was going to keep his post even after the election showed most Americans wanted his ass gone. He is in his little sulk mode now but will crawl back eventually to harangue and harass as that is all he knows. Let’s see how many oxen I can gore today. In the meantime, i am off to find some more Rhodes island reds. Ooh baby!
@nobodyssock said in RIP Rush.:
In the meantime, i am off to find some more Rhodes island reds.
They're small, but perfectly formed.
Or so I've heard.
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
@nobodyssock said in RIP Rush.:
In the meantime, i am off to find some more Rhodes island reds.
They're small, but perfectly formed.
Or so I've heard.
@doctor-phibes said in RIP Rush.:
@nobodyssock said in RIP Rush.:
In the meantime, i am off to find some more Rhodes island reds.
They're small, but perfectly formed.
Or so I've heard.
Oh good! Just like my penis!