Trump's COVID was worse than we knew
Former President Donald Trump's condition after testing positive for Covid-19 became so concerning last October that there was talk of putting him on a ventilator, according to what Trump told one person at the time.
The New York Times also reported that Trump was found to have lung infiltrates, "which occur when the lungs are inflamed and contain substances such as fluid or bacteria. Their presence, especially when a patient is exhibiting other symptoms, can be a sign of an acute case of the disease. They can be easily spotted on an X-ray or scan, when parts of the lungs appear opaque, or white."
The Times added that Trump's oxygen level dipped into the 80s. Conley was repeatedly evasive with reporters about his condition and whether he was on given oxygen, only telling reporters once his levels had recovered that they had never been in the "low 80s."
Mark Meadows, who was Trump's White House chief of staff, had gathered reporters following a rosy medical briefing delivered by Conley and told them privately, "The President's vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We are still not on a clear path to a full recovery."
As for the former first lady's condition, someone familiar with Melania Trump's treatment said she never took the then-experimental Regeneron antibody therapy used to treat her husband. This person said it took "a very, very long time" for her to get better, but she insisted on letting the virus run its course and treated her symptoms with holistic medicines, such as herbal teas, and took nothing stronger than over-the-counter pain relievers.
For those who don't know, a SaO2 in the 80s is very very low. The blood that's coming back to your heart to be oxygenated usually runs in the mid to high 70s. We would routinely put people with SaO2s in the 80s on ventilators.
@george-k said in Trump's COVID was worse than we knew:
For those who don't know, a SaO2 in the 80s is very very low. The blood that's coming back to your heart to be oxygenated usually runs in the mid to high 70s. We would routinely put people with SaO2s in the 80s on ventilators.
If that is the only smoking gun for seriousness more info is required. My father’s Sa02 once dropped into the high eighties when he was in his eighties on a higher altitude vacation and while it was very concerning the trip carried on after some medical attention.
Of course a dip in conjunction with COVID is another matter but I’ve seen this movie before without COVID.
He faked it pretty well. I can't imagine I'd be up to doing fake photo shoots signing papers and waving from a balcony if I felt like that.
@xenon said in Trump's COVID was worse than we knew:
He faked it pretty well. I can't imagine I'd be up to doing fake photo shoots signing papers and waving from a balcony if I felt like that.
Or the article doesn’t really capture the seriousness. We’ve seen too many real live examples of serious COVID and none of them could do a road show and deliver long oratory to a screaming mob. No doubt the concern was real but actually it looked to me not so bad and it would be tough to convince me otherwise.
I don't remember seeing him even cough.
If he were to have had a coughing fit like Hillary, the MSM would have pushed to invoke the 25th amendment immediately, like by 5:00 pm or sooner, even on a Sunday.
Hey George, do you think he was doped up with the good stuff, to make him not cough, appear to have abundant energy, like superman brushing off Covid as a nothing, isn't he amazing, just look at how tough he is?
Massive doses of vitamins, codeine for the cough, drugs to eliminate pain (Dilaudid). Am I right? If so, can I be a doctor too?
I think there were articles about some people with COVID who were functioning well, but eventually had to go to the hospital. When they go there, and were checked their oxygen, everybody was amazed that they were still functioning with such a low level.
I think there were articles about some people with COVID who were functioning well, but eventually had to go to the hospital. When they go there, and were checked their oxygen, everybody was amazed that they were still functioning with such a low level.
@taiwan_girl said in Trump's COVID was worse than we knew:
When they go there, and were checked their oxygen, everybody was amazed that they were still functioning with such a low level.
Cameron Slidell (I think that was his name) is an intensivist in New York. He said exactly that - he was shocked at how "functional" people were with numbers that were appallingly low. He was one of the TwitterDocs who pushed for restraint in the push to intubate and ventilate people.
Yes I think a lot of the early mortality in the beginning was intubating too many too early
Now the standard is to avoid intubation as long as possible because once the tube is in, mortality skyrockets.
Now we are even doing awake non intubated ECMO, which until recently was unheard of AFAIK.
Yes I think a lot of the early mortality in the beginning was intubating too many too early
Now the standard is to avoid intubation as long as possible because once the tube is in, mortality skyrockets.
Now we are even doing awake non intubated ECMO, which until recently was unheard of AFAIK.
@bachophile said in Trump's COVID was worse than we knew:
awake non intubated ECMO
The hell you say! Wow.
@george-k said in Trump's COVID was worse than we knew:
@bachophile said in Trump's COVID was worse than we knew:
awake non intubated ECMO
The hell you say! Wow.
Here it’s reported as a case report...
but it’s become standard in my institution where possible.
Even on a Knesset member.