The Twitter Fascination
@doctor-phibes said in The Twitter Fascination:
Maybe you're the one who needs to realise that Twitter isn't real life?
I think it probably is for a lot of people.
We are lucky to have this place.
You can be a fool here without the family and friends watching.
I watch guys I know who are hooked on facebook.
It is pathetic.
They spend their lives arguing with anonymous 12-year-olds.
It's always the same stupid posts either for or against Mr. Trump.
@george-k said in The Twitter Fascination:
I follow twitter, but I don't engage. I think I've tweeted something twice to a retired surgeon whom I follow.
The good thing is that, despite the fact that it can turn into a sewer, it's become the de-facto place for breaking news. I have about 50 pages I look at, and half of them are news, and half are random stupid/funny shit.
Me too. I dont tweet. And no followers obviously. But I find it so fast on the draw, that if I wanted to know something long before it’s on regular outlets, I check Twitter.
Having said that I think half of my followees are legit sources of information and the other half are the ones at real fringes, just to see what people are capable of believing
Some of the ones I follow are: a true flat earth believer. A couple of Neo Nazis. Some trumpists that are so far out there, they make Larry and jolly seem like left wing progressives, and other odd sorts. Lots of anti Vaxxers and COVID deniers.
People are interesting. Strange and interesting.
@copper said in The Twitter Fascination:
You can be a fool here without the family and friends watching.
Presumably most or us here are at least in part alter-egos. I know I'm not really the same person here that I am in real life. In real life I'm a lot better looking and smarter. Hard to believe, I know.
I agree political twitter is a shit show.
But twitter is what you make it. What you see on your timeline depends on who you follow.
You can make it politics free. You can just follow a narrowly tailored list of people and have it be focused on (say) history or archeology or filmmaking or whatever your interest might be.
I don’t use it either. I only allow so many interruptions.
I turn off all notifications as well. I make sure I actively go to a place to be interrupted. This place too serves as a good curator of content.
Jon’s suggestion to me to stop watching CNN was one of the better pieces of advice I got in 2020. I stopped my NYT as well. It works almost as well as meditation.
@doctor-phibes said in The Twitter Fascination:
In real life I'm a lot better looking and smarter.
I've met him, and this is fake news. SAD!
@89th said in The Twitter Fascination:
@doctor-phibes said in The Twitter Fascination:
In real life I'm a lot better looking and smarter.
I've met him, and this is fake news. SAD!
That was me sober. When I've had a few beers I'm like a cross between Brad Pitt and Stephen Hawking.
Well OK, I debate like Brad Pitt and I dance like Stephen Hawking, but still, it's a freaking start, OK???