What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?
WTF was that?!
“Go home...but oh by the way I’ll keep stirring the pot and lying about us having the election stolen”
What a fucking idiot. Now, it won’t ever happen, but if somehow Trump DID overturn the election he lost...then you’d REALLY see a protest that would change this country forever.
@89th said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
2021 is off to a good start.
I know, right? I mean the Browns are in the Fvcking playoffs!
“Go home...but oh by the way I’ll keep stirring the pot and lying about us having the election stolen”
What a fucking idiot. Now, it won’t ever happen, but if somehow Trump DID overturn the election he lost...then you’d REALLY see a protest that would change this country forever.
@89th said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
“Go home...but oh by the way I’ll keep stirring the pot and lying about us having the election stolen”
This bunch will be dealt with, but the really worrisome thing is that the camel's nose is now under the tent. Is this storming the Capitol by dimwits (of which there seems to be an infinite supply) a sign of future times?
@89th said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
“Go home...but oh by the way I’ll keep stirring the pot and lying about us having the election stolen”
This bunch will be dealt with, but the really worrisome thing is that the camel's nose is now under the tent. Is this storming the Capitol by dimwits (of which there seems to be an infinite supply) a sign of future times?
@catseye3 said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
Is this storming the Capitol by dimwits (of which there seems to be an infinite supply) a sign of future times?
This has happened many times before, but not in DC (see Madison, for example). I'm not, by any means justifying it, and the violence here is at a whole new level. It's not new, it's just worse.
A lot worse.
@george-k said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
THIS will be Trump's legacy.
Yes, and it is sad and wrong. But it is also completely his own doing. His taped message to the protestors was so freaking lame.
Honestly, at this point I'd support removing him from office based on the 25th.
@lufins-dad said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@lufins-dad said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
Oh, shut the fuck up, Joe. You’re making me want to go join the fucking assholes.
It's not like the actual fucking president is doing anything to help!
Oh believe me, I think there’s a helluva good chance that Trump can and should face charges out of this.
He, and every fucking body who entered the Capitol without a pass, needs to be brought up on an assload of charges, including 18 USC 2385.
The charges don't stick, fine, whatever. But there's plenty for a court case.
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@lufins-dad said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@lufins-dad said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
Oh, shut the fuck up, Joe. You’re making me want to go join the fucking assholes.
It's not like the actual fucking president is doing anything to help!
Oh believe me, I think there’s a helluva good chance that Trump can and should face charges out of this.
He, and every fucking body who entered the Capitol without a pass, needs to be brought up on an assload of charges, including 18 USC 2385.
The charges don't stick, fine, whatever. But there's plenty for a court case.
Yup. It ought to be a federal crime.
Aside from any personal injury that may have occurred, I think the worst thing happening here will be an even more closed Capitol.
I can remember when you could drive up to the Capitol and park just a few feet from the steps. The building was wide open at off hours and you could just walk through unchallenged.
This is how it should be.
But now it will become even more of a fortress.
Aside from any personal injury that may have occurred, I think the worst thing happening here will be an even more closed Capitol.
I can remember when you could drive up to the Capitol and park just a few feet from the steps. The building was wide open at off hours and you could just walk through unchallenged.
This is how it should be.
But now it will become even more of a fortress.
Anyone here think Trump did a good job with his message?
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
From a CNN editorial: "This is exactly what the man wanted in the end: chaos, disruption, nihilism. This ugly, un-American, lawless, seditionist act of petulance and violence is his final outgoing message to America: "Go ahead, burn it down. See if I care."
Anyone here think Trump did a good job with his message?
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
Anyone here think Trump did a good job with his message?
No. It was resigned and lame. The only shred of human decency in it was he recognized that he had milked the crowd for all he could get and it hadn't worked.
He has sadly proven everything his detractors said about him.
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
Anyone here think Trump did a good job with his message?
No. It was resigned and lame. The only shred of human decency in it was he recognized that he had milked the crowd for all he could get and it hadn't worked.
He has sadly proven everything his detractors said about him.
@mik said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
He has sadly proven everything his detractors said about him.
There you go.
As I've said, many times, I had little respect for him as a man.
Today, I have little, if any, respect for him as a leader.