What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?
I want to make sure my position on this is clear, as well as address the claim that this was Trumps fault.
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it. And it's not Trumps fault that they did it. There were tens of thousands of people at Trumps rally. The vast majority of them were peaceful, and did not participate in the mob attack. If Trump had been responsible for this, there would have been 5 or 6 times as many people involved. But a small group who came to the rally decided to go out on their own and form a mob.
You can't ignore people, lie to them, make fun of them, and all the things the media and the Left have done for 4 years and not end up with a few hotheads who get so frustrated they take matters into their own hands. Most of the people at the rally are just as upset these few peopke did what they did as anyone else. But to claim its Trump's fault is simply a continuation of the treatment Trump supporters have had to put up with, and gives the democrst/Left a pass on their involvement.
In short, this was not a "Trump supporter/Trump caused this" mob. This was a few bad actors, who went off on their own, frustrated over the very kind of treatment the majority of Trump supporters are having hurled at them now, even though the vast majority do not agree with them Bob. Trump supporters have ALWAYS been peaceful, even polite. Yet the one time a small group of bad actors do something similar to what the Left has done for 4 years now, and suddenly it's "all Trump supporters are violent and Trump caused it. That's incorrect, shallow, and unfair.
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
I wouldn't loot a store, I get why they did.
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
And Al Qaeda.
People right on this board said it about the Provisional IRA.
@george-k said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
THIS will be Trump's legacy.
Yes, and it is sad and wrong. But it is also completely his own doing. His taped message to the protestors was so freaking lame.
Honestly, at this point I'd support removing him from office based on the 25th.
@mik said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@george-k said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
THIS will be Trump's legacy.
Yes, and it is sad and wrong. But it is also completely his own doing. His taped message to the protestors was so freaking lame.
Honestly, at this point I'd support removing him from office based on the 25th.
I partly agree with you. I think there was a lot to learn from the non-landslide victory the Dems had eeked through (plus they should have lost the Senate).
I think there was some reflection going on (why did minority vote for Trump go up? How did he have so much support hang on even after 4 years of Trump being Trump, etc.). But now this will just drive the narrative that Trump=bad, Trump supporters=bad.
I've obviously been an advocate of the former, but I truly have sympathy and on many issues agree with the latter.
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
And Al Qaeda.
@jon-nyc said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
And Al Qaeda.
Don't try, Larry. They don't care.
It's point-scoring time. I suspect they are delighted somebody is dead. Gives them a more dramatic finger point.
@mik said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
He has sadly proven everything his detractors said about him.
There you go.
As I've said, many times, I had little respect for him as a man.
Today, I have little, if any, respect for him as a leader.
@george-k said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@mik said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
He has sadly proven everything his detractors said about him.
There you go.
As I've said, many times, I had little respect for him as a man.
Today, I have little, if any, respect for him as a leader.
This. Very sad.
@jon-nyc said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
And Al Qaeda.
Don't try, Larry. They don't care.
It's point-scoring time. I suspect they are delighted somebody is dead. Gives them a more dramatic finger point.
@jolly said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@jon-nyc said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
And Al Qaeda.
Don't try, Larry. They don't care.
It's point-scoring time. I suspect they are delighted somebody is dead. Gives them a more dramatic finger point.
I know they don't care. They are typical Lefties - so self satisfied with their own superior intellect that they're stupid.
People right on this board said it about the Provisional IRA.
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
People right on this board said it about the Provisional IRA.
Say it isn't true!
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
People right on this board said it about the Provisional IRA.
Say it isn't true!
@renauda said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
People right on this board said it about the Provisional IRA.
Say it isn't true!
It is true.
Some understood Hitler too!
@jon-nyc said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
And Al Qaeda.
Don't try, Larry. They don't care.
It's point-scoring time. I suspect they are delighted somebody is dead. Gives them a more dramatic finger point.
@jolly said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@jon-nyc said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I have not said that a agree with them doing what they did. I'm simply saying I understand why they did it.
That's pretty much word-for-word what the people who made excuses for the Antifa riots said.
And Al Qaeda.
Don't try, Larry. They don't care.
It's point-scoring time. I suspect they are delighted somebody is dead. Gives them a more dramatic finger point.
Are you talking about me? Are you saying I'm happy somebody is dead?
I asked the question, because it sure as heck sounded as though that is exactly what Jolly said, and I wanted to be sure before I responded.
@renauda said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
People right on this board said it about the Provisional IRA.
Say it isn't true!
It is true.
Some understood Hitler too!
@copper said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@renauda said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@doctor-phibes said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
People right on this board said it about the Provisional IRA.
Say it isn't true!
It is true.
Some understood Hitler too!
Yes, I'm sure there are one or two German speakers here in TNCR. Your point?
And I wasn't trying to score points. "I don't condone the violence, but I understand why they did it" is a very common refrain.
I know people, good people, in the UK, that said it about the IRA bombings. But if a person looks at or experiences the actual results of violence, and they continue supporting it, or making excuses for it, then I believe there's something fundamentally broken about them.
These idiots are giving their names to the press.
Richard Bigo Barnett, 60, from Gravette, Ark., stood outside the Capitol, his shirt ripped open and his chest bared to the cold, loudly bragging about how he had broken into the speaker’s office.
“I wrote her a nasty note, put my feet up on her desk,” said Mr. Barnett, who goes by the nickname Bigo. He was brandishing an envelope with the speaker’s letterhead that he had taken from Ms. Pelosi’s office. He insisted he had not stolen it — “I put a quarter on her desk.”
I'm pretty sure that guy at the front is George Soros.