Funny Pics
That said, transmission via air is different from transmission via touching objects.
THAT said, I saw one report indicating that the placement of these barriers affected air currents in such a way as to promote transmission.
It may very well be the case that these barriers are pointless and don't do what they are supposed to do, but the caption struck me as an instance of sloppy thinking.
@George-K said in Funny Pics:
in such a way as to promote transmission.
Sure, they would create mountain waves.
The air bounces on the ground and comes back up.
Any student pilot knows this.
@jon-nyc you've seen that episode of Penn and Teller's "Bullshit" with the water sommelier?
Link to video -
Doctor Phibesreplied to Nunatax on 2 May 2024, 16:51 last edited by Doctor Phibes 5 Feb 2024, 16:51
@Nunatax said in Funny Pics:
I've long been of the opinion that what really determines whether something is considered to be a weed or a plant is how easily it grows.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Funny Pics:
I've long been of the opinion that what really determines whether something is considered to be a weed or a plant is how easily it grows.
I think Mark Twain said that the way to distinguish between weed and flower is to pull on it. If it comes up easily, it's a flower. If it's stubborn, it's a weed.