Bright side of 2020 for you?
Sure. It mostly sucked. But what were the bright parts?
1). The boy has done exceptionally well with staying at home and distance learning. I realize I'm pretty lucky, not every parent of an 11 year old can say that.
2). We walked/rode together a lot. My son put over 600mi on his bike.
3). The thee of us still get along despite spending all this time together.
4). No one in my household or extended family got sick.
5). I got more involved with the Foundation for my disease, joining the board in July and the grant review committee in October.
6). We did some local day trips that we never would have thought about before. Like walking around cute towns in the Hudson valley.
7). Went swimming with my son almost every day for 6 weeks. In a normal year he would have been in camp and gotten his fill of swimming there.
8). Played a lot of piano. I would have even w/o Covid, but still it remains a highlight.
9). Rented a fast car (2019 Corvette) with my son for a day here locally. A 'staycation'. It was nice and it was a convertible.
10). Got a 'boys trip' in before the buzzer. In February, the boy and I went to south Florida and Universal Studios. The boy flew home by himself as I stayed back for a board meeting.
@jon-nyc great list and glad to hear!
I posted some of this in a thread @Aqua-Letifer started a week or so ago but my list:
- son born
- no major COVID deaths around me
- lots of time with 2 year old daughter (almost every day for 6 months) at the creek or on walks/runs...this will be by far my favorite memory of the year
- multiple good things regarding my job (pay, contract, etc)