Would/Could you do this?
@89th said in Would/Could you do this?:
I’d do it, even without plumbing or electricity.
When I was a kid, our family would vacation in Canada, near Georgian Bay. My parents would rent a cabin for 3 weeks or so, and in the early days, these cabins did not have indoor plumbing (at least as far as sanitation is concerned - I remember using an outhouse) or electricity - kerosene lamps were what we used for lighting.
Somehow, we survived.
ereader = sign me up.
@89th said in Would/Could you do this?:
I’d do it, even without plumbing or electricity.
When I was a kid, our family would vacation in Canada, near Georgian Bay. My parents would rent a cabin for 3 weeks or so, and in the early days, these cabins did not have indoor plumbing (at least as far as sanitation is concerned - I remember using an outhouse) or electricity - kerosene lamps were what we used for lighting.
Somehow, we survived.
Heck, I would do it even without that $100K if I could just get away from my existing responsibilities for that one month. Would be a bonus if a functional piano is thrown in.
Not that I "need" TV and recorded music, but I did some calculations anyway:
- Standard definition TV, assuming a generous 2 Mbps bit rate, you need only 218 GB to store enough video to watch 8 hours a day for 31 days without repeating any scene. A 256 GB iPhone/iPad can handle that just fine. Double up to a 512 GB iPhone/iPad and you can watch "TV" for 16 hours day for 31 days without repeating any scene.
- Pretty good quality AAC audio at 160 kbps, you need only 16 GB to store enough music to watch 8 hours a day for 31 days without repeating anything.
- Books ... assuming 600 words per second reading speed (because you don't necessarily read every word and you skip over some boring/repetitive passages every now and then) and considering the typical English novel averages less than 6 letters per word, throw in spaces and punctuation, call it 8 bytes per word on average. You need only 9 Mbytes to store enough words to read for 8 hours a day for 31 days. Let's say you throw in some pictures and graphics embedded in whatever books you're reading, and we multiply by 1000 to account for these pictures and graphics, it's still only 9 GB.
I’d do it for six months if u upped the fee to one million.
Why are ya’ll looking at pictures of my childhood home?
@horace said in Would/Could you do this?:
100k lol. I take shits worth more than 100k.
Where do you take them from?