Cheap vs Expensive pianos
$500 used Baldwin upright
Link to video
$2400 used Otto Altenburg
$50,000 used C Bechstein
$120,000 Steinway B
$250,000 Steinway D
$2,500,000 Steinway "Pictures at an Exhibition" -
only watched a few minutes, but nobody should be offering that Baldwin for sale.
A NY Steinway D retails for $180K. A Hamburg retails for $170K
The Baldwin console was so badly out of tune that it had to be on purpose, to make the jump to the Altenburg more noticeable. The Altenburg was in better tune, but not nearly as bad as the Baldwin. The Bechstein was out of tune as well. He seemed to be trying to build a case for the "Steinway mistique". But since we don't know the size of the Bechstein, his comparison is pointless. But at 50K it's probably under 6'.
Then he shifts to the Steinways, and part of the "game" is to give a ridiculously high price. Anyone who would ask 250K for Steinway D ought to have his ass kicked. Anyone who would pay 250K for a Steinway D is too stupid to have that much money to start with. The 2.5M one? Lol
None of them were actually in tune. That, and his lineup of what he sees as "value points" by brand tells me he's a sales weasel, and reminded me of why I was glad I got out of the business. I feel like I've been slimed.
Cool video. Kinda wish he just played the same thing over and over but cut it so it was seamless for an easier comparison. Also, without the creepy stare into the camera too.
@89th said in Cheap vs Expensive pianos:
without the creepy stare
That's kind of his trademark.
Link to video Link to video Link to video Link to video(watch the "Waldheim" part if nothing else)