The right thing to do would have been to pass a law that simply says: "thou shalt not collect these sorts of information from or about the people and systems that interact with your online presence."
Then you would not need to add any pop-up to get informed consent to collect the sorts of information that, let's be honest, the typical consumers really do not like for you to collect anyway.
But no, business interests and profit motives really, really want to collect those sorts of information, and they lobbied hard. So here we are, new pop-ups.
Still the GDPR does have important things that protect people's data and privacy. The Sarris tweet is but a cheap quip, neither fair nor informed.
For 2021, let's hope other regulatory regimes can improve on the GDPR as they enact and revise their own data privacy laws and regulations.
Haha good one. Somewhat related, I’ve said it before, on most sites where I’m trying to read an article, I switch to “reader mode” (on my iPhone) which strips out 99% of the garbage ads, clickbait, pop-ups, etc. It’s always so refreshing when I do it.
Pocket app + kobo eReader = the move.
I see an article I like, I send it to my pocket account. When I have time to read it, I pick up my eReader. There it is, already downloaded, story images and text only.
Haha good one. Somewhat related, I’ve said it before, on most sites where I’m trying to read an article, I switch to “reader mode” (on my iPhone) which strips out 99% of the garbage ads, clickbait, pop-ups, etc. It’s always so refreshing when I do it.
Pocket app + kobo eReader = the move.
I see an article I like, I send it to my pocket account. When I have time to read it, I pick up my eReader. There it is, already downloaded, story images and text only.
@aqua-letifer cool!