"Hi Mom!"
They do that here too in elementary school at least. Most of the time it makes sense, since it’s so occasional they would not recognize the parent. But a friend who picked her son up every day for 6 years (don’t get me started on her), volunteered in the school and knew everyone there still had her ID in hand every time.
As for this lady I don’t know why she wouldn’t just go private.
Who knows? She says in her letter the lawsuit was going to cost her 10-15k and that seemed like an impediment to her. Private school is probably one or multiple lawsuits per kid every year, and even then the private school might still insist on her showing ID every time she wants to pick up her kids.
As for this lady I don’t know why she wouldn’t just go private. Is she going to quit her job? Does she think she can do this in her spare time over coffee in the morning?
My thoughts as well. If she has a full-time gig as a "surgical neurophysiologist" she's keeping odd and long hours.
Good luck.
As for not needing to show ID because she has a three year history with the school secretary, ask @Jolly if in his head he’s willing to waive the “must show ID” requirement at the polling station if the person attempting to vote has a three year history with the folks checking the voter rolls. Betcha he’s going to tell you it’s for voting security too.
I wish her well. Among other things, her decision is teaching her kids the wisdom of sticking to your guns and not caving in to stupidity. That may be the lesson that is most key, in the end.
A small separate point: From the little that she wrote, I applaud how the cops handled the deal. Got the story, rethought their decision to arrest her, then warned her she would be arrested if she did it again after her interaction with them. A matter of deciding between a dumb application of law/bureaucracy and citizens' rights.
As with many of these stories, we're only getting her side of it.
And even reading only her side of things, she doesn't exactly sound as though she's the most normal person in the world.
FWIW I pick up my 2 year old daughter from daycare each day. All I do is show up and they bring her down and release her to me. They don't even ask my name, or my ID, because.....common sense. They know me. Glad I don't have to show my ID each time.
I didn’t either at his private nursery schools. Might change in elementary school if you go public.
I can only imagine what would have happened if a school refused my brother access to his children...would have been life altering for school personnel. One altercation I know of that he had resulted in public hearings and ended with a school administrator being fired. A reporter from the local paper asked him to let them know in advance the next time he had any issues with the school because they didn't want to miss it.
FWIW I pick up my 2 year old daughter from daycare each day. All I do is show up and they bring her down and release her to me. They don't even ask my name, or my ID, because.....common sense. They know me. Glad I don't have to show my ID each time.
I didn’t either at his private nursery schools. Might change in elementary school if you go public.
True. Although I’ll be in minnesooooota by then and there are only nice people there.