Looks bad when you tell a CDC official to destroy email ...
The editor-in-chief of a weekly report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has told House Democrats that she was ordered to destroy an email showing that Trump political appointees attempted to interfere with its publication — and that she believes the order came from Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the agency’s director.
According to Mr. Clyburn’s 12-page letter, which includes a transcript of Dr. Kent’s interview, Dr. Kent told House Democratic investigators that she was instructed to delete an Aug. 8 email sent by Dr. Paul Alexander, then a senior H.H.S. adviser, in which Dr. Alexander demanded that the C.D.C. insert new language in a previously published scientific report on coronavirus risks to children, or “pull it down and stop all reports immediately.”
The letter quoted the email as saying: “C.D.C. tried to report as if once kids get together, there will be spread and this will impact school reopening. … Very misleading by C.D.C. and shame on them. Their aim is clear. … This is designed to hurt this Presidnet [sic] for their reasons which I am not interested in.”