Can we at least end one narrative?
@Larry if I can put words in @Nunatax mouth, I think he is trying to say that just because you support President elect Biden, that does not mean that you support every policy of his.
For example, abortion is very important to you. And this may be an issue which can determine or support or non support of a candidate, no matter what their other policy are.
I think that @jolly mentioned that guns were important to him. Maybe he would support one candidate over the other because of that issue by itself. For @mark, maybe it is taxes. For others, maybe it is something different or maybe they don’t have any one issue.
For example, iif someone had divorce as their #1 issue in a candidate, maybe they would vote for president elect Biden over President Trump, even if they disagreed with many other things from President elect Biden.
Not everyone who supports Biden supports late abortionsi guess is my summary.
@taiwan_girl said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Larry if I can put words in @Nunatax mouth, I think he is trying to say that just because you support President elect Biden, that does not mean that you support every policy of his.
For example, abortion is very important to you. And this may be an issue which can determine or support or non support of a candidate, no matter what their other policy are.
I think that @jolly mentioned that guns were important to him. Maybe he would support one candidate over the other because of that issue by itself. For @mark, maybe it is taxes. For others, maybe it is something different or maybe they don’t have any one issue.
For example, iif someone had divorce as their #1 issue in a candidate, maybe they would vote for president elect Biden over President Trump, even if they disagreed with many other things from President elect Biden.
Not everyone who supports Biden supports late abortionsi guess is my summary.
You can support a democrat candidate even if you disagree with his tax plan. You can support a democrat candidate even if you disagree with his position on the climate. But you CANNOT support a candidate or his political party when they passed the laws that made it legal to murder babies and who actively work to keep any and all attempts to narrow that act down without carrying the responsibility for all those murders on your shoulders along with them. Do not even TRY to tell me that you can rid yourself of that guilt.
Forget Biden. No one "supports" Biden. They support the democrat party. Try to stop late term abortion and the democrat party will raise holy hell. Every time you vote for, defend, support, agree with, etc a democrat, the democrat party, ... you are personally responsible for every single murdered baby right along with them, just as surely as if you had ripped its head off and pulled its arms off yourself.
YOU have their blood on YOUR hands right along with them. Trying to equate murdering babies with not liking a candidate because he's been divorced is you trying to dodge your own guilt. Not only that, it's a bogus comparison. To even come close to being a comparison it would have to be a situation where a political party passed laws requiring everyone to get a divorce themselves, and even that doesn't come anywhere close to the seriousness or the moral consequences of murdering babies.
So yes, if you "suppirt" Biden - or ANY democrat, you can tell yourself you don't support late term abortion all day long. But the only thing you will be doing is justifying your own guilt in your own mind. You are just as guilty of the murder of innocent babies as the politicians you put in office, and the doctor who decapitated and dismembered that innocent child. JYST as guilty.
So you can go back to shoving your head in the sand on this if it makes you feel better. Meanwhile, the politicians YOU choose and the party YOU chose made it legal to murder the tens of thousands of babies that will die in 2021 - and they couldn't have done it without YOUR support.
Do NOT try to justify murdering babies to me.
We will have to agree to disagree. For you you, abortion is your “red line”. What you don’t understand is that it is not a “red line” issue for 100% of the people.
I would guess that there are people on this forum who
Support President Trump
support abortion. -
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
What is the elephant?
They use an elephant to stamp on the babies.
Which is pretty ironic. They really ought to use a big donkey.
@Mik said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
What is the elephant?
The refusal to address the fact that the left is ever increasing its efforts to destroy the lives and careers of citizens who simply do not agree with them.
Well, that's barely an elephant in this room, i.e. at TNCR. We have discussed over and over again how the "woke" left is attempting to destroy some of the foundations of civilization. This is in fact almost unanimously agreed upon here.
@Mik said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
Yet still people try to claim some sort of equivalence between the two side on this. There is no equivalence. They may share some characteristics, but not this horrid example.
I think part of the problem is how outrageous it's become. "That stuff can't possibly be commonplace, can it? I mean c'mon, what you're describing is crazy. People just don't act like that."
Yeah, well, they are now. With regularity.
@Mik said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
Yet still people try to claim some sort of equivalence between the two side on this. There is no equivalence. They may share some characteristics, but not this horrid example.
But, to quote Trump, the cure cannot be worse than the disease.
"Wokeism" is quite bad.
"Trumpism" is quite bad, albeit for entirely different reasons.
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Mik said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
Yet still people try to claim some sort of equivalence between the two side on this. There is no equivalence. They may share some characteristics, but not this horrid example.
But, to quote Trump, the cure cannot be worse than the disease.
"Wokeism" is quite bad.
"Trumpism" is quite bad, albeit for entirely different reasons.
Describe "Trumpism", please.
@Jolly said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Mik said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
Yet still people try to claim some sort of equivalence between the two side on this. There is no equivalence. They may share some characteristics, but not this horrid example.
But, to quote Trump, the cure cannot be worse than the disease.
"Wokeism" is quite bad.
"Trumpism" is quite bad, albeit for entirely different reasons.
Describe "Trumpism", please.
I wouldn't mind writing a few paragraphs about this, but I assume we wouldn't really come to a common understanding because you wouldn't agree with my analysis of the situation.
@taiwan_girl said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
We will have to agree to disagree. For you you, abortion is your “red line”. What you don’t understand is that it is not a “red line” issue for 100% of the people.
I would guess that there are people on this forum who
Support President Trump
support abortion.Oh, I think there are a few red line issues that really delineate things. One is abortion. Another is gun rights. The third is affirmative action or its mirror image, wokism.
In the case of abortion, most in the GOP think a human being has a right to life. Now, it may be in its mother's womb or that life may be in a nursing home bed, but that entity has a right to keep on living. There are some in the party that would allow for early term abortions, citing that the baby cannot survive in vitro. i think that is changing. Medical science keeps driving the week of viability downward. There is now a perfectly healthy toddler in Texas that was born at 21 weeks. That child weighed less than 300g at birth. I've seen babies that weighed in excess of 700 grams, back in the 1980's, that would be covered with a cloth and allowed to die in the cirner, gasping for air. There was nothing we could do. There is, now. 1:4 babies can now survive at 23 weeks.
Another issue is firearms. Many on my side of the red line firmly believe a person has the right to defend themselves, their loved ones and their property. The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed, as the Constitution says. It is the Amendment which guarantees the protection of the rest of the Constitution from a tyrannical government.
Lastly, I think another issue is equality. All people are born equal and endowed by their creator with unalienable rights. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We should never promote one race or creed over another, no matter what past grievance is trying to be addressed. Whenever we try to build one group above another, we create division and strife. The GOP believes in opportunity and the natural inclination for people to want to do better.
While there are few red line issues, I think you'll find most Republicans believe in the right to life, the right to protect your life and your loved ones from harm, and the right to improve one's life based on merit and hard work.
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Jolly said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Mik said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
Yet still people try to claim some sort of equivalence between the two side on this. There is no equivalence. They may share some characteristics, but not this horrid example.
But, to quote Trump, the cure cannot be worse than the disease.
"Wokeism" is quite bad.
"Trumpism" is quite bad, albeit for entirely different reasons.
Describe "Trumpism", please.
I wouldn't mind writing a few paragraphs about this, but I assume we wouldn't really come to a common understanding because you wouldn't agree with my analysis of the situation.
That's never stopped you before.
@Jolly said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Jolly said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
@Mik said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
Yet still people try to claim some sort of equivalence between the two side on this. There is no equivalence. They may share some characteristics, but not this horrid example.
But, to quote Trump, the cure cannot be worse than the disease.
"Wokeism" is quite bad.
"Trumpism" is quite bad, albeit for entirely different reasons.
Describe "Trumpism", please.
I wouldn't mind writing a few paragraphs about this, but I assume we wouldn't really come to a common understanding because you wouldn't agree with my analysis of the situation.
That's never stopped you before.
@Klaus said in Can we at least end one narrative?:
"Wokeism" is quite bad.
"Trumpism" is quite bad, albeit for entirely different reasons.Want to eliminate both? The left has to stop demonizing the right. That's all that has to happen.