What do they mean by safety?
Per capita your infection rate is quite high.
I have no idea of the methodology
But I think globally a more critical number is death per population. Infection rate is a function of testing. (We test a lot per population also)
Mortality is more a function of the overall health system.
Also we have the capacity for 4000 ventilated patients but are only ventilating 130.
I also know (from inside hospital sources) that we have been approached by various countries for consultations on how we have kept things under control.
I’m no bibi fan but he jumped on this very early. (Maybe with his own agenda but we have benefitted.)
When it comes to being safe in the United States, I'm glad I live in Maine right now because Maine is more safe than states like New York. We don't have as many coronavirus cases in Maine right now than they do in many other states.