Thievery, most foul?
It's a mysterie
My point is that to intentionally find one package out of Thousands/millions to open seems far side for me. How would some sorting employee know to look for a specific package? And why would they know about that ONE package when I am sure that Mr Carlson gets hundreds of letters/packages addressed to him every day.
To me, “ Handling” a package at the sorting factory does not mean that someone is picking it up, reading the address, Examining it, putting it in in box, and then moving to the next. Mail would take months to go from one place to the other if we did that. How many letters could one person sort if things were done that way?
They are taking a big box/truck of letters/packages, maybe sorting by size and putting them in machines which scan them to further sort. They are not reading each individual addresses. I don’t believe that.
I think the following MAY have happened:
I think it is possible/probable that the pickup person may have had something to do with it.
The package got got in a machine which broke open the package (This has happened to me before)Or
Mr Carlson tip off someone in UPS to “steal” the package so he could get a news story out of his missing packageI am not a conspiracy person and while I know Mr Carlson did not say that there was a conspiracy, he seems to kind of imply it.
@taiwan_girl said in Thievery, most foul?:
The package got got in a machine which broke open the package (This has happened to me before)
UPS said this was basically impossible considering how the package was opened.
You're assuming this all had to be premeditated. The most likely and most plausible explanation, based on the actual evidence we can believe, is that some rando opportunist screwed with the package. He saw the delivery address, said, "oh hey!" and removed its contents in one of the few places in the facility that doesn't have cameras. That last has been proven true: there's no video evidence UPS has, according to them, but they publicly reported it being opened and the contents removed.
My point is that to intentionally find one package out of Thousands/millions to open seems far side for me. How would some sorting employee know to look for a specific package? And why would they know about that ONE package when I am sure that Mr Carlson gets hundreds of letters/packages addressed to him every day.
To me, “ Handling” a package at the sorting factory does not mean that someone is picking it up, reading the address, Examining it, putting it in in box, and then moving to the next. Mail would take months to go from one place to the other if we did that. How many letters could one person sort if things were done that way?
They are taking a big box/truck of letters/packages, maybe sorting by size and putting them in machines which scan them to further sort. They are not reading each individual addresses. I don’t believe that.
I think the following MAY have happened:
I think it is possible/probable that the pickup person may have had something to do with it.
The package got got in a machine which broke open the package (This has happened to me before)Or
Mr Carlson tip off someone in UPS to “steal” the package so he could get a news story out of his missing packageI am not a conspiracy person and while I know Mr Carlson did not say that there was a conspiracy, he seems to kind of imply it.
@taiwan_girl said in Thievery, most foul?:
To me, “ Handling” a package at the sorting factory does not mean that someone is picking it up, reading the address, Examining it, putting it in in box, and then moving to the next. Mail would take months to go from one place to the other if we did that. How many letters could one person sort if things were done that way?
Get a seasonal job at a sorting facility and if you make it a week, try to tell me there's no manpower involved. There's a reason sorters are mostly ex-cons and during holidays, people desperate for extra cash.
It's a mysterie
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thievery, most foul?:
It's a mysterie
I don't understand what's so impossible about a mail guy, in 2020, finding a quick opportunity to screw with a package bound for one of the most antagonistic public figures on Fox news. Either that or they didn't even read the damn label and thought the contents were something they could pawn.
There's no DNC conspiracy and no one involved is saying there is. But Carlson's account of what happened to the package is backed up entirely by UPS, so guess what, that shit happened, I'm sorry. Rando opportunism seems most plausible.
OK, lets stipulate that the missing package really is a random event. Tucker just spent two (or is it three by now) segments of his show talking about a random missing package with zero connection to the Bidens — without providing the documents that supposed to back up Tucker’s diatribes against the Bidens, that’s all it is — Tucker Carlson talking about a random missing package.
You’d think the guy can do a more thorough research and look at more comprehensive statistics, trends, and patterns concerning missing packages if he were to spend two (or three) segments of his show on the topic. Then maybe poor @Jolly would not have been misled into starting this thread thinking he’s got something on the Bidens.
OK, lets stipulate that the missing package really is a random event. Tucker just spent two (or is it three by now) segments of his show talking about a random missing package with zero connection to the Bidens — without providing the documents that supposed to back up Tucker’s diatribes against the Bidens, that’s all it is — Tucker Carlson talking about a random missing package.
You’d think the guy can do a more thorough research and look at more comprehensive statistics, trends, and patterns concerning missing packages if he were to spend two (or three) segments of his show on the topic. Then maybe poor @Jolly would not have been misled into starting this thread thinking he’s got something on the Bidens.
@Axtremus said in Thievery, most foul?:
Tucker just spent two (or is it three by now) segments of his show talking about a random missing package with zero connection to the Bidens — without providing the documents that supposed to back up Tucker’s diatribes against the Bidens, that’s all it is — Tucker Carlson talking about a random missing package.
- The thumb drive did have info about Hunter Biden on it. So Carlson and his producers claim anyway. You can claim he and his producer are lying about that, but then you'd have to prove that's the case.
- Some of Tucker's diatribes about the Bidens come from Tony Bobulinski, whose testimony was heard by both the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Senate Finance Committee. His documents have proven to be authentic.
Your bias is once again making you sound ignorant. What you should've gone with was, "Carlson and Bobulinski have provided no evidence of lawbreaking by the Bidens." That's what's true. But there's plenty of documentation that supports the claims about the Bidens and their dealings with China.
You talk a lot about more efficient ways to do things, Ax. All I have to do is imagine in my head how a liberal shill would respond to an argument, and then I don't even have to read your response. Why don't we try something else for a change?
OK, I've figured it out.
Liberals are creative, which explains how there is no difference between objectivity and mind reading. Completely making things up as a plausible explanation becomes almost equal to fact. Even with mouth closed, that's how their mind works.
Conservatives recognize that mind reading is conjecture, therefore for the biased Left mind-reading becomes good enough. I've seen the word "fact" used by liberals, and wonder how they determine facts!
What I can't figure out, is that conservatives are equally at fault, as they seem to always look for conspiracies.
Obviously, an FBI agent worked at UPS to keep an eye on any suspicious packages, and the FBI agent spotted the Tucker package and grabbed it. I think it is clear the FBI agent knew where he/she could take something without being spotted.
You see how I can mix fact and fiction too, plus add in a conspiracy of a corrupt government agency? That means I'm middle of the road, the envy of TG and at the same time the bane of far-left buddy AX.
The coveted middle. The phenotype of objectivity. The envy of us all. Sometimes I try to find fault with both sides and never come to any conclusions, but it takes a genius. Sadly, I'm not up to snuff.
@Horace said in Thievery, most foul?:
The coveted middle. The phenotype of objectivity. The envy of us all. Sometimes I try to find fault with both sides and never come to any conclusions, but it takes a genius. Sadly, I'm not up to snuff.
Until you can create a tribe that is full of middle people it won’t be so coveted. There is very little incentive to objective.
Some argue they are just quiet and all we get to see are the extremes. But if the extremes rule social media they run the show and reality.
Has the “lost” evidence ever been made public?