Here's How to Avoid Accidentally Showing Your Genitals to Your Colleagues on Zoom
Please read and consider:
Consider avoiding having your junk out in the first place
Yes, this one is a little out of left field, but hear me out. You can’t expose your genitals to a room full of colleagues—some of whom you may have known and respected for decades!—if you take steps to ensure your genitals aren’t visible to anyone at all.
Clothing designers have known the risks of accidental genital exposure for years, and they’ve designed several innovative technologies to prevent it from happening. For example, they’ve invented pants, which are a sort of leg tube system that adjoins at the top and typically shield the crotch from visibility. They might set you back a bit; expect to pay at least $20 for a good set of pants. The good news is you can buy them pretty much anywhere. (You should probably own several, as the pants system isn’t necessarily foolproof with extended wear and tear.) With properly sized pants secured to your waist, your coworkers won’t be able to see your genitals no matter what you do, other than taking off your pants.
More at the link.
He will return to cnn
He will receive a heroes welcome
There is no such thing as bad publicity
I have no idea who this guy is or where he stands politically. The reactions to this incident seem to be divided along the usual political lines, which is a little strange. I for one think there's no reason to fire or ban him. He made a stupid mistake, but he didn't do anything illegal. He was already punished enough by the ridicule.
Tremendously less.
I have no idea who this guy is or where he stands politically. The reactions to this incident seem to be divided along the usual political lines, which is a little strange. I for one think there's no reason to fire or ban him. He made a stupid mistake, but he didn't do anything illegal. He was already punished enough by the ridicule.
I can't imagine anything they could do to him that's worse than it already is. But his career willl likely be rearranged.
From Lifehacker: How to Not Masturbate During a Zoom Call
Yes, at this point it's rather limp...