Durham indictments
Looks like none before the election.
And looks like Trump had to find out from Limbaugh. If that’s true, what a putz Barr is for telling others before Trump (Trump talking to Limbaugh)
If that's the case I think it's terrible. It's very disappointing. And I'll tell him to his face," Trump said during the roughly two-hour radio interview.
"I think it's a disgrace. It's an embarrassment," he said.
The president said he was previously unaware of Barr's reported comments. "I'm hearing this for the first time," Trump told Limbaugh.
"If Bill Barr made that statement, I would be very disappointed in him," Trump added.
From what I've read at the RWEC, the Durham report and investigation had expanded far, far, beyond its original charter.
(insert Ken Starr quip here:__________)
Supposedly, the reason for the delay is that there's a lot more than was expected. Of course, that's all rumor now.
A thought experiment:
After the election and Donald Trump
winsloses the election, the Durham report comes out with a damning indictment (not in a legal sense) of Brennan, Comey, Obama, Clinton, et al.Then what?
(And how my net is still up, I don't have a clue)