@George-K so far, he seems to be ok. He was in good shape before, which probably helped. But it was bad enough that he really does not want to get it again. He donated plasma awhile back. We are both going for a work provided health screening next week, and one of the things they will test for is antibodies, but I imagine those are long gone? I’m more interested than he is, since I never tested positive.
@George-K so far, he seems to be ok. He was in good shape before, which probably helped. But it was bad enough that he really does not want to get it again. He donated plasma awhile back. We are both going for a work provided health screening next week, and one of the things they will test for is antibodies, but I imagine those are long gone? I’m more interested than he is, since I never tested positive.
It's nothing more than a bad cold. It only hurts or kills those who are elderly with multiple comorbidities.
I hear that crap a lot, usually from people with no experience of a bad case in their family...
Klaus, it could be the cycling - mine came down from 60 to 45, although it's a bit higher now. When I had my medical, the nurse asked whether I ran or cycled.
I'm sorry, George. This must be very worrying for you.
Ugh. I’m sorry that she’s had to suffer through this.
Not great news.
We just got news that my daughter may have been exposed. One of her classmates is symptomatic and she and a few others had a cocktail hour with her the other night. They were pretty distanced, but it was a couple hours. She was random tested by the university and negative the other day, but she's scheduled for another test next week.
Two weeks. Shit, that's a long time to be putting up with this. Very best wishes.
(In the old days, a pulse ox was "cutting edge." Now, you can get one on Amazon for less that $40.)
You talked me into getting one. Why the heck is my pulse only around 40?
Out of curiosity do you ever get dizzy when you stand up? I have orthostatic hypotension. If your heart rate is 42 while standing or even sitting after moving around that is pretty amazing.