Oh Jesus
What accelerates is the fringe on the other side of whomever’s in charge. And once-fringe ideas become more mainstream within the opposition.
Remember all the talk about FEMA camps, and the coming Federal “invasion” of Texas? Massive signature drives for state succession? That’s what we’ll see more of under Biden.
Remember all the talk about FEMA camps, and the coming Federal “invasion” of Texas? Massive signature drives for state succession? That’s what we’ll see more of under Biden.
Sure, but the fringes are greatly imbalanced. I don't think you can make a case that the Trump fringe is as pervasive. Whatever disruptions they're bringing, we don't have the far Right being responsible for the takeover over whole city blocks, influencing others to firebomb cop cars, this Yelp bullshit, cancel culture, unconscious bias training at 3 of my last 3 jobs in which I have to learn how I and not minorities are racists, etc., etc., etc.
One side is clearly and obviously doing more damage. Voting for their guy sounds like a very bad idea.
You are smart enough to realize that when Trump makes a big public stand against CRT that ultimately gets us more CRT, aren’t you?
I guess I'm just pretty dumb, because it seems to me that what gets us more CRT is the radical left imposing it on a quiet majority through browbeating and threats of cancellation. So it seems to me that because we'll never rid ourselves of the radical fringes, the degree to which they receive opposition is what prevents CRT from spreading, not placating them by voting in a guy who's going to give them nearly everything they ask for.
Sometimes, suppression backfires. England did get more freaky in the Victorian age. Other times, suppression is exactly what's called for. Placating the socialists didn't exactly work out for Soviet bystanders. Throwing up their hands and moving to France in the 30s didn't work out for the Germans, either.
When Biden is elected, these nutjobs will feel validated. We will be telling them that their tactics worked and they will use them even more often. This will extend in a broader context to the media in general. The BS will grow and expand. The only way to put a stop to it is by showing them that it won't work.
The same philosophy extends to the party and government as a whole. If they get away with this whole shitstorm involving Brennan/FBI then we can expect more and even worse in the future.
You have to discern wheat from chaff. One thing I look for in all sites like that is how does the business respond. That will tell you more than the reviews.
You have to discern wheat from chaff. One thing I look for in all sites like that is how does the business respond. That will tell you more than the reviews.
@Aqua-Letifer To defeat the post-liberal left you need the Jonathan Chaits and Matt Iglesiases to win out over the Ibrahm Kendis and Robin DiAngelos. Trump vocally joining team Chait doesn’t push that outcome along.
As a trivial example but illuminating all the same, it would have been much easier for me to make the case against AFFH to my local community before Trump got vocal about it. Before it could have been an argument about density and congestion, now I’d be viewed as trying to protect the suburbs from people of color.
Same with a PTA discussion about CRT-infused “diversity” curriculum. Six months ago it would have been a lot easier to have a conversation on the content of the ideas themselves, now I fear it would simply be a question of which side are you on.
Now you might say you don’t need the center left to tame the far left, you’ll just defeat them outright.
There I’d say you’re not being realistic. The GOP was demographically challenged even before Trumpism expelled all but the true believers. Our constitutional quirks might allow minoritarian rule for a while, but it’s not really sustainable. Hell, Texas and is turning purple and their Governor is taking naked steps at disenfranchising people. But he won’t keep his finger in that dam for long.
The strategy of electing Trump-like candidates to defeat other extremes needs to be examined with regard to the results obtained to date.
Is the country in a better place than it was four years ago? Is it more united? Is it more peaceful? Is it less prone to extremism?
As Churchill famously said, "However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results".
@Aqua-Letifer To defeat the post-liberal left you need the Jonathan Chaits and Matt Iglesiases to win out over the Ibrahm Kendis and Robin DiAngelos. Trump vocally joining team Chait doesn’t push that outcome along.
As a trivial example but illuminating all the same, it would have been much easier for me to make the case against AFFH to my local community before Trump got vocal about it. Before it could have been an argument about density and congestion, now I’d be viewed as trying to protect the suburbs from people of color.
Same with a PTA discussion about CRT-infused “diversity” curriculum. Six months ago it would have been a lot easier to have a conversation on the content of the ideas themselves, now I fear it would simply be a question of which side are you on.
Now you might say you don’t need the center left to tame the far left, you’ll just defeat them outright.
There I’d say you’re not being realistic. The GOP was demographically challenged even before Trumpism expelled all but the true believers. Our constitutional quirks might allow minoritarian rule for a while, but it’s not really sustainable. Hell, Texas and is turning purple and their Governor is taking naked steps at disenfranchising people. But he won’t keep his finger in that dam for long.
As a trivial example but illuminating all the same, it would have been much easier for me to make the case against AFFH to my local community before Trump got vocal about it. Before it could have been an argument about density and congestion, now I’d be viewed as trying to protect the suburbs from people of color.
Situations like that are exactly what need to be examined.
I understand that anything Trump's vocal about becomes radioactive, but I don't see how voting for the guy the radicals want on the other side is a good idea, especially when it's that side that's burning down buildings and destroying the reputations of randos daily, not the right.
It'd be better if we didn't have someone so divisive to represent the GOP, but that's what we have.
The strategy of electing Trump-like candidates to defeat other extremes needs to be examined with regard to the results obtained to date.
Is the country in a better place than it was four years ago? Is it more united? Is it more peaceful? Is it less prone to extremism?
As Churchill famously said, "However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results".
@Doctor-Phibes said in Oh Jesus:
The strategy of electing Trump-like candidates to defeat other extremes needs to be examined with regard to the results obtained to date.
I don't like the strategy at all, I think it's stupid and damaging. But he's president. That means he runs. So the choices are Trump and Biden.
I agree with jon that it's going to take moderates to push back against the radical left. But how is a Biden administration going to lead to that?
@Doctor-Phibes said in Oh Jesus:
The strategy of electing Trump-like candidates to defeat other extremes needs to be examined with regard to the results obtained to date.
I don't like the strategy at all, I think it's stupid and damaging. But he's president. That means he runs. So the choices are Trump and Biden.
I agree with jon that it's going to take moderates to push back against the radical left. But how is a Biden administration going to lead to that?
@Aqua-Letifer said in Oh Jesus:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Oh Jesus:
The strategy of electing Trump-like candidates to defeat other extremes needs to be examined with regard to the results obtained to date.
I don't like the strategy at all, I think it's stupid and damaging. But he's president. That means he runs. So the choices are Trump and Biden.
I agree with jon that it's going to take moderates to push back against the radical left. But how is a Biden administration going to lead to that?
As far as I can tell, Biden is moderate, but weak.
What you need is Tony Blair.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Oh Jesus:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Oh Jesus:
The strategy of electing Trump-like candidates to defeat other extremes needs to be examined with regard to the results obtained to date.
I don't like the strategy at all, I think it's stupid and damaging. But he's president. That means he runs. So the choices are Trump and Biden.
I agree with jon that it's going to take moderates to push back against the radical left. But how is a Biden administration going to lead to that?
As far as I can tell, Biden is moderate, but weak.
What you need is Tony Blair.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Oh Jesus:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Oh Jesus:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Oh Jesus:
The strategy of electing Trump-like candidates to defeat other extremes needs to be examined with regard to the results obtained to date.
I don't like the strategy at all, I think it's stupid and damaging. But he's president. That means he runs. So the choices are Trump and Biden.
I agree with jon that it's going to take moderates to push back against the radical left. But how is a Biden administration going to lead to that?
Biden is moderate, but weak.
What you need is Tony Blair.
Biden may not even be here in 24 months. Ask yourself what would Harris do?
Yeah, you said Hillary was at death's door 4 years ago, too.
Trump might not be here in 4 years, either. I'm not particularly fond of Mike Pence.
Yeah, you said Hillary was at death's door 4 years ago, too.
Trump might not be here in 4 years, either. I'm not particularly fond of Mike Pence.
I must admit, I don't understand the American penchant for electing geriatrics.
Everybody else retires at 65. I think it's a good idea.
The company, which offers a platform for users to rate places like restaurants, small businesses and popular tourist sites, said in a statement on Thursday that it would use a “business accused of racist behavior” alert when there was “resounding evidence” that a business owner or employee had taken racist actions, including the use of racist slurs or symbols. This alert will always link to a news article from a “credible media outlet,” Yelp said, without elaborating on which news organizations they considered to be credible or how it defined “resounding evidence.”
Yelp’s announcement raised questions about how the company will enforce the initiative — and how it will ensure that businesses were not falsely associated with racism or the target of defamatory reviews, which can significantly damage a business. Companies like Google and Facebook have also grappled with the difficult issues of moderating users on their online platforms.
Hey, Yelp! Is Business Insider a "credible media outlet?"
@Aqua-Letifer To defeat the post-liberal left you need the Jonathan Chaits and Matt Iglesiases to win out over the Ibrahm Kendis and Robin DiAngelos. Trump vocally joining team Chait doesn’t push that outcome along.
As a trivial example but illuminating all the same, it would have been much easier for me to make the case against AFFH to my local community before Trump got vocal about it. Before it could have been an argument about density and congestion, now I’d be viewed as trying to protect the suburbs from people of color.
Same with a PTA discussion about CRT-infused “diversity” curriculum. Six months ago it would have been a lot easier to have a conversation on the content of the ideas themselves, now I fear it would simply be a question of which side are you on.
Now you might say you don’t need the center left to tame the far left, you’ll just defeat them outright.
There I’d say you’re not being realistic. The GOP was demographically challenged even before Trumpism expelled all but the true believers. Our constitutional quirks might allow minoritarian rule for a while, but it’s not really sustainable. Hell, Texas and is turning purple and their Governor is taking naked steps at disenfranchising people. But he won’t keep his finger in that dam for long.
A competitor is advertising a Columbus Day Sale. ShouldI report them?