NYC faces a financial abyss
From the NYT no less.
Haven’t read the article yet but I for one have priced in a decent chance of a 70s-like situation returning.
10% of workers have returned to offices.
I wouldn’t want Coumo’s job for anything and I would be praying for a vaccine ASAP. I
Fiscal issues severe enough that the state had to bail the city out and took control of certain aspects of governing (to this day). And crime was bad.
That was after the feds refused. Famous headline in the NYPost was “Ford to City: Drop Dead”
The thing I remember about that is that Orange County went bankrupt around the same time. I was working (very briefly) at Salomon Bros at the WTC (pre-9/11) and was introduced to a guy who supposedly saved Orange County. He was apparently a local hero.
So the thing I remember is that there is money to be made in good times and bad.
I assume we will see more governments get in trouble as fallout from the covid mess.
I wonder if it will be as bad as the article says. I did read an article about how after 9/11, there was concern that no one would ever want to work downtown again, especially in large office buildings. Someone write up there was for sure going to be a trend out of the downtown and they will soon die out. That obviously didn’t happen.
I realize what is happening is on a bigger scale but I also know that people and business has short memories. I read also an article, may be posted here, that working from home is not everything it is said to be.
My intuition is that the city will recover as the population gets vaccinated and the budget recovery will follow. In the mean time a little pressure relief on the rising rents of the past decade or two isn't a bad thing.
Increasing urbanization is a multi-century secular trend and isn't likely to suddenly get reversed by a small (in the grand scheme of things) set back like this.