Does the universe suggest a creator?
I find anchovies on pizza to be pretty hateful. Does that make it wrong for me to order a pizza with anchovies for my employee that loves it?
What Mik just wrote and feel free to order me one as well, if for no reason other than an act of goodwill. I like anchovies on my pizza very much.
@LuFins-Dad said in Does the universe suggest a creator?:
I find anchovies on pizza to be pretty hateful. Does that make it wrong for me to order a pizza with anchovies for my employee that loves it?
You’re doing Kantian meta-ethics wrong. The correct analysis would include the context ‘I find pizza’s I don’t like to be hateful. Should I buy my employee a pizza he doesn’t like’. Answer: no, get him the anchovies.
@Horace said in Does the universe suggest a creator?:
The article poses a well-litigated question. Personally, I'm fine with the explanation that observers such as us would have to exist in a goldilocks zone with perfect parameters for life. In a universe with billions and billions of solar system, it's not surprising that perfection will exist at some point. Even if there's still a very low chance, we can imagine that universes explode, then, over time, implode, and it all starts again. There are potentially infinite universes, and at some point, intelligent life will spring up, and observe. None of that requires an intentional creator.
I can see that. In the past dozen or so years I have come to think of our universe as the other side of an event horizon to a black hole that resides in another one of those multiple universes occupying infinity.
In proper context.
I share my living room with a few creatures - aside from whatever dust mites are here. I have an aquarium with fish who see and swim about - and the universe is pretty small - but they recognize me and come over to the side of the tank when they see me. For them, I am like a god providing food pellets. There are a couple of snails in there as well who don't see - and their experience of the universe is much different - not less valid - but different in that they only experience the universe as tactile - and it's pretty small though complex.
The birds in the small aviary behind me - watch me and interact primarily with one another - but recognize me as the great food provider. They look out the window and watch the seasons pass - and that is their experience of the universe.
None of those creatures can imagine my or your view of the universe - and who is to say that there isn't something out there whose experience of the universe is a few magnitudes greater than us?
@kluurs said in Does the universe suggest a creator?:
None of those creatures can imagine my or your view of the universe - and who is to say that there isn't something out there whose experience of the universe is a few magnitudes greater than us?
Cuz ain’t nobody throwing food in my tank?
@Renauda said in Does the universe suggest a creator?:
I tend towards a more Spinoza influenced thinking on the matter. Focus on how you control your desires and conduct your daily living rather than in what and how you believe. Essentially the Golden Rule of do unto others as you would have them into unto you or better, in the words of Hillel the Elder:
What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah, the rest is commentary.
Pretty straightforward to my way of thinking.
I know it is not at all an easy task to follow but I would rather try to adhere to that than some millennialist superstitions that pervade various sects and ecclesial communities.
We humans are really all the same. We were scattered around like seeds at one time long ago by the aliens, our benefactors. We proceeded to grow according to our environments with no knowledge of our origins, and thus feared for our lives to eventually end with no knowledge of an afterlife. So each area slowly created a vision of what an afterlife could be and a new word came into each area's vocabulary, religion. They all went shooting up this way and that but through all the differences, there remained some core human instincts of how to behave.
We were scattered around like seeds at one time long ago by the aliens, our benefactors.
I stopped reading right there.
Not interested in anything that invokes the Book of von Däniken or the equally ridiculous Gospel According to Tsoukolos that attributes human evolution to alien contact with mankind through the ages.
@Renauda said in Does the universe suggest a creator?:
or the equally ridiculous Gospel According to Tsoukolos
Oh c'mon that guy's hilarious.