Hey guys
@Doctor-Phibes said in Hey guys:
Religion and culture have their advantages.
So do hotter and younger chicks.
I'm dying
For Christ's sake don't ask Jon to post a picture of his robot contraption.
Not sure if I would call that a robot...
Hey @Aqua-Letifer, i'm good dude - hope you are too.
Hi @Horace, @taiwan_girl
@Klaus yep still exist. Although i'm on my second bloody cold of the last 20 days. Respiratory viruses hate me. I'm moving South again so next time you're in the capital send me a bell.
Hello again to all.
I've been periodically checking in on you guys, sometimes to get the American perspective on some political event or other. But haven't really had the urge or time to jump in. Somehow that 2007 comment got me.
To give you all some kind of update: I got married last year - it was an amazing day. You know people say that the day they got married was the best day of their life, i just thought it was something people said because they were supposed to. I mean in this day an age you live with your partner for freaking ages beforehand, in my social circle marriage has no religious significance, and so.... i don't know, i didn't think it would be a big deal. But it was amazing! It was the best day. I wish i could relive it and spend more time with different sets of people during the day.
Then... what else I've been an researcher in a big-tech company for the last 6 years working mostly on ML. Jumping from academic life to industry was... interesting. Office politics.... suck. I was totally defenseless to manipulation from self-interested parties. A particular technical lead passed off everything i thought of and did as his own creations and deliberately sabbatoged me because he was scared if higher ups interacted with me it would be clear who was running the actual show. But i eventually figured it out, and gratifyingly he fucked so many people off that he eventually had to leave the company because no one would work with him.
Right now i'm on sabbatical as i decided in a moment of foolishness to try and help my father digitise his museum collection of 4000 items of fencing history. So for the last 6 months (minus the month i was obligated to spend on honeymoon) i've been building a a robotic digitisation booth where I can hang objects and have them rotate. Then i have a shelf that is able to move up and down via some ballscrews and motors, and then on the shelf there is a camera that is attached to a ring flash on a gimbal that allows the camera and flash to look up/down. So with this setup and the ability to control everything with software i'm building a pipeline that for any object you hang in the centre, the camera will take multiple pictures of the object with varying degrees of cross-polarised light, then the pictures will get fed into some other software that will build 3d assets of the objects. I've just been finishing this beast and will start the initial digitisation process in the next few months before rejoining the world of gainful employment.
Also since once upon time this was a music forum, when I was figuring out the motor controllers I spent a day in order to do this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y2ltshr9px5px69ahy5mo/PXL_20240702_221257789.TS.mp4?rlkey=cn1vem7aclbo3k7zd5g42zl45&st=w82plzqi&dl=0
I confess I did find it quite fun.
I agree. Quite impressive.
Next, we need a movie of it in action.
Just realized the video. That was awesome!!!