Hey guys
You know people say that the day they got married was the best day of their life
You may want to reconsider when you have experienced the much-anticipated day of your divorce
Some of us don't.
My wife has two siblings. Between the three couples, no divorces. 126 total years married. If one or more of us doesn't drop dead (always a possibility), I think we'll all make at least 50 years, each.
Religion and culture have their advantages.
@taiwan_girl said in Hey guys:
Would you be willing to post a picture of your robot contraption?
See how special @Moonbat is?
If it were anyone else, we would be asking to see his wedding pictures instead. -
@Doctor-Phibes said in Hey guys:
Religion and culture have their advantages.
So do hotter and younger chicks.
I'm dying
For Christ's sake don't ask Jon to post a picture of his robot contraption.
Not sure if I would call that a robot...
Also since once upon time this was a music forum, when I was figuring out the motor controllers I spent a day in order to do this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y2ltshr9px5px69ahy5mo/PXL_20240702_221257789.TS.mp4?rlkey=cn1vem7aclbo3k7zd5g42zl45&st=w82plzqi&dl=0
I confess I did find it quite fun.