Daughter wants to spend 6 months at an American highschool - thoughts?
@LuFins-Dad said in Daughter wants to spend 6 months at an American highschool - thoughts?:
By the way, I was only joking with my earlier post. The local schools only make ~ 5% of girls into boys, so odds are she’ll be fine.
And very generous @Axtremus
To answer your question, all logistics aside (location, living, language) I think it's a really great idea. If more Americans spoke German I'd say the reverse would be great, too. We see that a bit more in college here, with a semester abroad being somewhat common.
BTW, at 15 (or regardless of nationality), you may want to consider somehow a place that she could get to/from via electric scooter or something for daily transportation without a drivers license. That also brings weather into play... stay away from Minnesota, so she doesn't have to deal with the stupid cold as much.
Just throwing it out here, but plenty of kids of affluent Canadians here spend part of their high school in Europe. I’d say next to zero Canadians would want to spend any high school time in the U.S., even in NYC, Boston, LA . Come to Canada! Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, .. this would be an adventure imo.
I understand that in Canada it’s a solid 15% chance that your daughter will become a fine young man…
@LuFins-Dad said in Daughter wants to spend 6 months at an American highschool - thoughts?:
I understand that in Canada it’s a solid 15% chance that your daughter will become a fine young man…
Not if she attends a Catholic school in Alberta or Quebec. In any event, Canada would be a good choice as well so long as it would be in a publically funded Catholic school. Better teachers and better administered.
I can understand wanting the novelty of it, but I'd suggest a summer trip for a few weeks instead, especially if she's more interested in the culture of being an American teen. Perhaps there are programs available in a particular area of study she's interested in? I started my HS education in an excellent school in England and ended it at a fairly decent school not far from Washington, DC. The amount of (what felt like) dumbing down I came across was shocking. I came back to the US mid-9th grade. Social opportunities will be abundant. The opportunity to travel and see new things will be amazing! But the education itself will most likely be lacking.
Please do.
I would offer, we have great public schools and she’d have easy access to NYC. The problem is I travel 20 times a year.
Plus my son would probably consider her game.
@Mik healthy and cute as ever. He has his 2 1/2 year checkup tomorrow. Took his first poop on the potty this past weekend, but last night took a dump in his undies followed immediately by peeing on the bedroom carpet. At least that was before his bath. So ...yeah. toddler life.
But it’s a nice scale. And still very American.
Klaus - if this happens let’s have her come to my house for a week or so before it all starts. She can explore the city a bit. Then I’ll ship her off to wherever her final destination is. She’s almost certainly fly via NY anyway.