What’s happening at Columbia?
@Jolly said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
NYPD just chunked them out of Hamilton Hall and loaded them on police busses.
Awesome. Would love to know the numbers at any school for how many kids are expelled or similarly punished. I recall kids in my undergrad getting in trouble for wayyyyyy less.
@Jolly said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
NYPD just chunked them out of Hamilton Hall and loaded them on police busses.
Awesome. Would love to know the numbers at any school for how many kids are expelled or similarly punished. I recall kids in my undergrad getting in trouble for wayyyyyy less.
Wonder if Bragg charges them?
BTW, The Dersh just issued a challenge...ANY Jewish student at Columbia that feels he has been physically threatened and his civil rights have been abridged, call Dersh and he will represent them pro bono.
@Jolly said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
BTW, The Dersh just issued a challenge...ANY Jewish student at Columbia that feels he has been physically threatened and his civil rights have been abridged, call Dersh and he will represent them pro bono.
Update...Dersh now says he has been contacted by 12 attorneys offering to help. He is now asking for specific names
This could be fun...
@89th how many of these who were arrested do you think our students at Columbia? For that matter, how many do you think are actually residents of New York?
Asking of course, for a friend.
@George-K said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
@89th how many of these who were arrested do you think our students at Columbia? For that matter, how many do you think are actually residents of New York?
Asking of course, for a friend.
I believe in Justice, but I also believe in being fair.
All people arrested at Columbia should be arraigned and charged. But...I think student protesters should be charged with appropriate misdemeanors. Non-students should be held to a higher standard and charged accordingly. Paid-for organizers need to have the book thrown at them. And the agitators who paid for this silliness need to lose some serious money.
@LuFins-Dad said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
Isn’t Pro-Palestinian worse than Anti-Israel? I mean, by definition Pro-Palestinian is anti-Israel, then add on pro-inbreeding, pro-spousal rape, pro-killing gays, pro-patriarchal societies, pro-raping and killing civilians…
I mean, being ProPalestine means being for some really sick shit.
That's an important question. I have read articles critical of these campus protests use the term "pro-Hamas", which seems like a strawman switcharoo. Not many articles actually report what exactly the protesters protest against. It's possible that different individual protesters protests against different things. (I also haven't look into this detail, frankly I haven't follow this campus protest stuff all that closely.)
They way you approach this, equating "pro-Palestine" with "pro-[a bunch of other things you do not approve of]," supposedly the same can be applied to "pro-Israel"; e.g., "pro-taking/occupation of land by force," "pro-bombing hospitals," "pro-bombing civilians," "pro-mass displacement of civilians," etc. An approach conducive to neither truth, peace, nor understanding.
As it is, I am not even sure "pro-Palestine" is an accurate characterization of these campus protests, but I do not object to you using that term for the simple reason that you were responding to the WaPo article that uses that term.
Maybe some news org will get around to sampling and tabulating the many different things that the protesters are protesting against and create some nice graphics to help visualize the issues being protested.
@Axtremus said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
@LuFins-Dad said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
They way you approach this, equating "pro-Palestine" with "pro-[a bunch of other things you do not approve of]," supposedly the same can be applied to "pro-Israel"; e.g., "pro-taking/occupation of land by force," "pro-bombing hospitals," "pro-bombing civilians," "pro-mass displacement of civilians," etc. An approach conducive to neither truth, peace, nor understanding.
No, the same cannot be applied. The points that I brought up about Palestine are all completely separate from anything dealing with Israel and any threat the citizens would face from Israel. If Israel didn’t exist, Palestinians would be throwing gays from roofs. They would be subjugating their women. Israel has nothing to do with the rape culture in Palestine. All of the things you try to point out as counters aren’t. Those are National Security decisions. Israel doesn’t bomb hospitals, they attack missile batteries and bases. That the enemy chooses to hide those batteries and bases in hospitals and use schoolchildren as human shields does not reflect badly on Israel, but must purely be blamed on the Palestinians.
@Jolly said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
Wonder if Bragg charges them?
Andy McCarthy on the arrests and charges:
"That's all well and good, but the question is: Will Bragg prosecute them? After all, it's not like they falsified their business records or anything ..."
@Mik said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
@George-K that's just swell. Let's bring the war over here.
Talk to the Resident. This could have been nipped in the bud, but he wants the votes.
@George-K said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
Supposedly, at UCLA a Jewish girl was beaten unconscious.
From what I'm reading, this went on for almost two hours. With no major police presence.
Things that make you go hmmm....
BTW, who is paying the Protest Consultant?
BTW, who is paying the Protest Consultant?
@Jolly said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
BTW, who is paying the Protest Consultant?
@Jolly said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
BTW, who is paying the Protest Consultant?
@George-K said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
@Jolly said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
BTW, who is paying the Protest Consultant?
That life takes money to live and travel. Where's the money coming from?