The Sorry Bastards From NYC
I do read and participate in more than one country living forums. Right now, there is anger and a building vitriol against a lot of former NYC residents. These people have fled the city and are buying rural or village properties right and left in the region.
Many times, they are tearing down old homeplaces and erecting new McMansions, helping to destroy the architecture and atmosphere of the very place they moved to. They are driving up land prices so much, that young local couples cannot afford housing where they grew up. They have very little understanding of rural ways and most of folks who have lived in those areas for many years, find the newcomers pushy, dude and obnoxious.
As one fellow wrote this morning, after recounting a dispute he had with a locust (As he calls them) over a tree on his property that his neighbor wanted to cut, he lamented that he couldn't figure out what he had done that was so displeasing to God, that God would send the plague of the sorry bastards from NYC.
For the past couple of months a crew has been building a house next door to me. The plot they're building on has been uncleared and unkempt for the whole time I've lived here.
My street contains modest little 2-BR houses that are compatible with each other and the rough woodsy surround. Nothing elaborate or even standout in any way -- just ordinary old houses. Kinda boring.
It's a short street, got about eight little houses on it.
This house next door, for god knows what reason, is a McMansion. A HUGE three story monstrosity on about 3/4 acre of land. Apart from how stupid most McMansions look anyway, that house on this street looks ridiculous -- and fits the rest of the trail like lace pants on a rhinoceros. It reminds me of the time I saw this little runty guy driving a Hummer on a street in town; compensation much?
Rumor is the McManse already has a buyer. One of the few advantages here is the quiet, which we obviously all love. My worst fear is that the new people will come with a passel of kids and parties night and day. Anybody who grooves on living in the BIGGEST HOUSE ON THE BLOCK is not gonna be what you'd call accommodating of the wishes of his neighbors.
/Aqua hat on/ I hate people. /Aqua hat off/
@Jolly said in The Sorry Bastards From NYC:
As one fellow wrote this morning, after recounting a dispute he had with a locust (As he calls them) over a tree on his property that his neighbor wanted to cut, he lamented that he couldn't figure out what he had done that was so displeasing to God, that God would send the plague of the sorry bastards from NYC.
My home area gets the same with DC folk, especially now. Fie on the lot of them.
My thing is, look, I'm sorry that your world consists only of strip malls, chain stores, franchise restaurants and townhomes devoid of both personality and inhabitants with personality. That must surely suck for you. But don't bring your empty, disconnected, self-important fuckfacery to a community that's clearly better than that, else you'd never move there. Pining for the country? Integrate.
Fucking NIMBYs.
@jon-nyc said in The Sorry Bastards From NYC:
Fucking NIMBYs.
Back where you came from, carpetbagger! You've got the Catskills.
Welsh Nationalists used to firebomb real estate agencies in Chester, where I lived, because of the number of English assholes buying holiday homes in rural Wales.
Actually, I lived in Wales, I worked in Chester. Couldn't afford to live there. Maybe it was my fault!
@Doctor-Phibes said in The Sorry Bastards From NYC:
Welsh Nationalists used to firebomb real estate agencies
Hey, now there's an idea. Just throw together a bunch of BLM signs, virtual-signal like mad and holler a few slogans, and Bob's yer uncle.
On the bright side, I have a luna moth sleeping on the outside of my kitchen window. Pale green, with beautiful spots. First time I've ever seen one.
So there's that.