Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud
@Larry said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Please do not confuse absentee voting with mail in voting. They are two completely different things, and have nothing g at all in common with each other.
From WaPo:
You may be wondering: What is the difference, exactly, between absentee ballots (a great way to vote) and mail-in voting (shouldn’t be allowed)? Wonder no longer!
An absentee ballot is sent in the mail, whereas a mail-in vote is mailed in. Sending ballots in the mail is famously secure, but mailing in votes is ripe for all kinds of fraud and confusion.
An absentee ballot is filled out in pen or pencil, whereas a mail-in vote is filled in with ink or graphite. Already you see how different the two are, and how much riper for fraud one is.
An absentee ballot is placed in an envelope, whereas a mail-in vote is enclosed in an envelope. The difference in security should be obvious.
An absentee ballot must be signed, whereas a mail-in vote requires a signature. An envelope containing an absentee ballot must be closed securely, while an envelope containing a mail-in vote must be sealed.
On an absentee ballot, a voter marks their preferred candidates, but on a mail-in vote, a voter fills in the ballot to indicate the candidates of their choice.
An absentee ballot is cast by a Republican, whereas a mail-in vote is sent by a Democrat.
@jon-nyc said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
@Larry said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Please do not confuse absentee voting with mail in voting. They are two completely different things, and have nothing g at all in common with each other.
From WaPo:
You may be wondering: What is the difference, exactly, between absentee ballots (a great way to vote) and mail-in voting (shouldn’t be allowed)? Wonder no longer!
An absentee ballot is sent in the mail, whereas a mail-in vote is mailed in. Sending ballots in the mail is famously secure, but mailing in votes is ripe for all kinds of fraud and confusion.
An absentee ballot is filled out in pen or pencil, whereas a mail-in vote is filled in with ink or graphite. Already you see how different the two are, and how much riper for fraud one is.
An absentee ballot is placed in an envelope, whereas a mail-in vote is enclosed in an envelope. The difference in security should be obvious.
An absentee ballot must be signed, whereas a mail-in vote requires a signature. An envelope containing an absentee ballot must be closed securely, while an envelope containing a mail-in vote must be sealed.
On an absentee ballot, a voter marks their preferred candidates, but on a mail-in vote, a voter fills in the ballot to indicate the candidates of their choice.
An absentee ballot is cast by a Republican, whereas a mail-in vote is sent by a Democrat.
As I explained earlier, not always the case. There are other, more secure ways to vote early.
And I started to say WaPo knows this, but it doesn't fit the narrative.
I am amused at the lengths we will go to, to insure fair and secure voting in other countries, yet not give a damn about it here. Convenience trumps all.
Andrew Johnson.
So in 2012 you weren’t confused about the definition of impeached. What happened?
@jon-nyc said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Andrew Johnson.
So in 2012 you weren’t confused about the definition of impeached. What happened?
Cognitive decline?
@jon-nyc said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Andrew Johnson.
So in 2012 you weren’t confused about the definition of impeached. What happened?
Cognitive decline?
@Axtremus said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
@jon-nyc said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Andrew Johnson.
So in 2012 you weren’t confused about the definition of impeached. What happened?
Cognitive decline?
I could be in full blown Alzheimer's mode and still have more brain power than you had on your best day.
Lightning striking twice in the same spot would be unexplainable. Covid made it impossible to make America great again. The premise failed.
@Loki said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Lightning striking twice in the same spot would be unexplainable. Covid made it impossible to make America great again. The premise failed.
I would beg to differ. My portfolio is dead even for 2020. If that's not a great country I don't know what is.
Lightning striking twice in the same spot would be unexplainable. Covid made it impossible to make America great again. The premise failed.
@Larry said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Please do not confuse absentee voting with mail in voting. They are two completely different things, and have nothing g at all in common with each other.
From WaPo:
You may be wondering: What is the difference, exactly, between absentee ballots (a great way to vote) and mail-in voting (shouldn’t be allowed)? Wonder no longer!
An absentee ballot is sent in the mail, whereas a mail-in vote is mailed in. Sending ballots in the mail is famously secure, but mailing in votes is ripe for all kinds of fraud and confusion.
An absentee ballot is filled out in pen or pencil, whereas a mail-in vote is filled in with ink or graphite. Already you see how different the two are, and how much riper for fraud one is.
An absentee ballot is placed in an envelope, whereas a mail-in vote is enclosed in an envelope. The difference in security should be obvious.
An absentee ballot must be signed, whereas a mail-in vote requires a signature. An envelope containing an absentee ballot must be closed securely, while an envelope containing a mail-in vote must be sealed.
On an absentee ballot, a voter marks their preferred candidates, but on a mail-in vote, a voter fills in the ballot to indicate the candidates of their choice.
An absentee ballot is cast by a Republican, whereas a mail-in vote is sent by a Democrat.
@jon-nyc said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
@Larry said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
Please do not confuse absentee voting with mail in voting. They are two completely different things, and have nothing g at all in common with each other.
From WaPo:
You may be wondering: What is the difference, exactly, between absentee ballots (a great way to vote) and mail-in voting (shouldn’t be allowed)? Wonder no longer!
An absentee ballot is sent in the mail, whereas a mail-in vote is mailed in. Sending ballots in the mail is famously secure, but mailing in votes is ripe for all kinds of fraud and confusion.
An absentee ballot is filled out in pen or pencil, whereas a mail-in vote is filled in with ink or graphite. Already you see how different the two are, and how much riper for fraud one is.
An absentee ballot is placed in an envelope, whereas a mail-in vote is enclosed in an envelope. The difference in security should be obvious.
An absentee ballot must be signed, whereas a mail-in vote requires a signature. An envelope containing an absentee ballot must be closed securely, while an envelope containing a mail-in vote must be sealed.
On an absentee ballot, a voter marks their preferred candidates, but on a mail-in vote, a voter fills in the ballot to indicate the candidates of their choice.
An absentee ballot is cast by a Republican, whereas a mail-in vote is sent by a Democrat.
Well if the Washington Post said it it has to be true!!
Of course, it fails to note that there's a big difference between the two that opens a window for fraud. It fails to note that the way you get an absentee ballot is by requesting it, the local election officials checking to see that you are legally registered to vote in their district, and then they must approve it. You have to PROVE yourself. Election officials control your ballot just like they would if you walked in the voting location on election day.
But that's not how it's done with mail in ballots. With mail in ballots, they mail a ballot to every name on their voter registry. Dead people will get them, etc. That's the end of any control the local voting officials have. If the ballot comes back in the mail, it gets counted. And for some odd reason, 100% of dead people, pets, etc... Vote for the democrat.
I was wondering why @Larry got so worked up to argue over the differences between “absentee” voting and “mail-in” voting.
This explains it:
Trump, after baselessly sowing doubt about “mail-in” voting, proclaim that “absentee” voting is great and that Trump himself will be doing “absentee” again. Now @Larry has to defend Trump’s silly self-contradiction yet again.
While we are on the topic of Trump voting, enjoy this historical footage on Trump being too stupid to vote in person:
Link to video
Since Virginia only has absentee voting, I’ve gone ahead and registered to be sent one so i don’t have to go in person in November. So far it’s asked for my SSN, Drivers License number, and normal name/address/DOB. It even asks if it should use my drivers license signature as the one to reference. Not bad!
Biggest issue will be the masses in late October and early November who didn’t realize they had to do this by Oct 13th.
I just find it amusing that some do not care if we have voter fraud.
How silly of some of us to care....
@Jolly said in Trump suggests election delay to counter voter fraud:
I just find it amusing that some do not care if we have voter fraud.
How silly of some of us to care....
Yeah, you should definitely delay the election. 'Cos there's nothing fraudulent in that idea. Donald Trump is as honest as the day is long.
I'll have you know, I'm as sober as a judge.
Justice Kavanaugh, to be precise.
From Brookings: Low rates of fraud in vote-by-mail states show the benefits outweigh the risks.
"[Trump] has made two accusations about mail-in ballots; the first is that they favor Democrats and the second is that they make it easier to cheat. Neither one is supported by the facts. There is no evidence to suggest a systematic bias towards one party or another from mail-in ballots. Nor is there any evidence that there is widespread fraud in the use of mail-in ballots."
What's odd is that it's so unusual for Donald Trump to make controversial statements on Twitter with absolutely no evidence to back them up.
It's almost as if some dipshit hijacked his account.
What I find odd is how TDS sufferers are able to twist what Trump says around and create a completely incorrect narrative, then repeat it over and over again until no one remembers that he didn't actually say what he's being accused of saying. Trump never once said he was going to delay the election. Not once.