How my Day is Shaping Up…
Skunks. ugh. Sorry to hear you have to deal with this.
As we do a lot of camping we had everything necessary on hand in the event of just this. We never thought that would get it in our backyard. He is now more less decontaminated and back in the truck box to dry out. Will know in an hour or so once he’s dried off a bit more - of course he’s a long haired dog, a Shepard/Collie/Retreiver cross.
Hardest part was cleaning the dried skunk spray off the white vinyl fence. Neutralized it with skunk odour remover then cleaned with Goof Off on a soft cloth rag. Will probably have follow up with a magic eraser as there is still a yellow tinge to the panel.
Pots of boiled 10% cleaning vinegar are dissipating the stink on the back door landing. Not sure what makes me gag more; the skunk smell or the boiling vinegar. The acrid smell of the vinegar at least does not linger once it has stopped steaming. Does the trick though neutralizing the sticky skunk smell.
Thanks all the same for the suggestions and expressions of commiseration. It’s what it is and definitely better than a porcupine.
@Mik said in How my Day is Shaping Up…:
That's exactly what I use to clean grout. Not sure I'd use it on a dog.
As long as the detergent is Dawn, it's fine. Baby shampoo works, too, but Dawn is better.
I used Dawn, Blue Dawn the one with the picture of the duckling on the label.
Seems to have worked pretty well. His head, face and front neck are going to need some more work though. In any case he’ll be sleeping in the box of the truck in the garage for the next 3 nights.
Just finished jamming paving bricks into what appear to be yard access points under the fence. Also went under the deck. Thankfully no sign of a den there. Hopefully this was a one time event. Still, from now on when he is let out at night, we will have check to see first that there is no skunk on the patio. Since the patio area is fenced off from the rest of the back yard the dog is contained to what is essentially a paved dog run.
I'm a little surprised the skunk came around with the dog's scent around. I wonder what attracted it. Water maybe?
We think so. My wife says the skunk was at his water dish when he came out the door. She thinks the skunk came in near the side gate, as that is exactly where it made a beeline to when the dog beat to quarters. I have now sealed all suspicious possible access points in the area.
@Renauda Glad it has turned out (relatively) okay!!
Oh my, Renauda! Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Yes, the detergent with the duck pic is the best for anything like that.
You deserve more than coffee after this.
I’m surprised you didn’t add anything to make the coffee umm…even stronger.
Sorry to hear, man.
Renauda, your initial post was outstanding, like the beginning of a short story very well written!
As for the skunk, look at the bright side. I'm sure the skunk had no friends or relatives. -
The comedy has evolved into a full blown farce. It appears that I have lost my sense of smell for skunk odour. My spouse, on the other hand, senses the odour everywhere and on everything inside the house and within a fifty foot radius of our property. At the same time however there is a consensus that the dog now has only a very faint odour of skunk, not enough that he should not have his usual house privileges.
I read somewhere (so it has to be true) that exposure to a smell overtime decreases your ability to smell it. It was something (who knows) like every 30 minutes you smell it 50% less or something. Clearly this is the most precise comment I've ever made. The point is the same...
BTW I don't mind the smell of a distant skunk. Maybe I'm weird. Also maybe I'm glad they've always been distant.
@Renauda said in How my Day is Shaping Up…:
The comedy has evolved into a full blown farce. It appears that I have lost my sense of smell for skunk odour. My spouse, on the other hand, senses the odour everywhere and on everything inside the house and within a fifty foot radius of our property. At the same time however there is consensus that the dog now has only a very faint odour of skunk, not enough that he should not have his usual house privileges.
My guess is she will be smelling it for quite a while. Went through this with a dead raccoon in our attic. She smelled it for months where I could only detect a faint oror for a couple days. I was in North Carolina when it really stank so it's not a matter of going nose blind.
Exactly. Like passing roadkill and wondering what it was, and then the smell leaves no doubt.
How’s the odour situation?
Still malingering.
I think the house and patio area smell like a grow op.
Skunk weed!