Submersible tour boat joins the Titanic
I'm fairly confident the Titan will never be found. It took forever to find the Titanic.
Unrelated, how are squids not crushed to death at that depth? (Answered it as I typed this, google says its because creatures like that are made mostly of water and/or do not have air that can be compressed in)
@89th said in Submersible tour boat joins the Titanic:
I'm fairly confident the Titan will never be found. It took forever to find the Titanic.
That’s because it took us forever to develop and deploy the technology to find it. Once that technology was available - thank you, Cold War era investment and engineers - it was just a matter of time to hone the skills to deploy it for archeological endeavours.
We have the technical means to locate Titan. Curiosity as well. I am sure there will also be the investment to make it happen.
@Jolly said in Submersible tour boat joins the Titanic:
I think we can find it.
But should we attempt to raise it?
Depends on how soon we can find it.
@George-K said in Submersible tour boat joins the Titanic:
At least they stopped short of saying "Let them die."
But altogether, those donations are consistently Republican and include George Bush for President in 1979, the Illinois Republican State Central Committee in 1980, Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen in 2022, and friends of Mike McGavick in both 2000 and 2005.
Okay, these people need to be mocked mercilessly.
@Jolly said in Submersible tour boat joins the Titanic:
I think we can find it.
But should we attempt to raise it?
I too am sure we will locate it or what’s left of it. Don’t wish to speculate as to when.
As to should we attempt to raise it? Good question. I believe though the curiosity at numerous levels will insist on it if practicable. The desire to answer the how and why surrounding this incident will be just too intense.
Based on the way safety appeared to be considered as an inconvenience more than a requirement, I'm guessing some lawyers are going to be moving pretty quickly, too.
This post is deleted!
Well, breathable air should be gone…
This pic was tweeted out recently.
4X-EDL is an Elal Boeing 787. On June 20 it did the Miami Tel Aviv route. They got this message from ATC. What they were they thinking? That a plane at 36000 feet can see a vehicle the size of a SUV in the floating middle of the Atlantic. But I guess it never hurts to try.
This pic was tweeted out recently.
4X-EDL is an Elal Boeing 787. On June 20 it did the Miami Tel Aviv route. They got this message from ATC. What they were they thinking? That a plane at 36000 feet can see a vehicle the size of a SUV in the floating middle of the Atlantic. But I guess it never hurts to try.
Yes, there’s always the proverbial, off-chance.
I’ve had a rather macabre thought over the past few days that I’ve been hesitant to post. I even did once but deleted it. 96 hours of air is based on a full cabin. They were down 1 person, so that should stretch it out some, right? I mean, assuming the sub is intact?
And for that matter, there’s the possibility that 1 or more of the 5 passengers died during this… And if you really want to get dark, there may be some passengers willing to do whatever it takes to cut down on the amount of oxygen being used down there…
I haven't seen a plausible explanation, other than implosion. They actually had lots of safeguards in place, but it all hinged on not imploding, of course. Sand bags were attached to the sub by ropes that would dissolve in water after some number of hours, so even if everybody was unconscious, the sub would have floated to the top. Unless it imploded.