COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults
By the way, did that literally happen or were you just trying to make the point about “10 x tiny number = small number”.
I’m pretty sure Rachel was older with boy-nyc than Karla was with Fin and nobody ever suggested anything of the kind.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 02:12 last edited by@jon-nyc said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
By the way, did that literally happen or were you just trying to make the point about “10 x tiny number = small number”.
I’m pretty sure Rachel was older with boy-nyc than Karla was with Fin and nobody ever suggested anything of the kind.
Yes, it really happened. They didn’t say it bluntly, but they kept asking “are you sure? The chances that he will have Downs are ——— times higher… And there are other risks…” We left that OBGYN for another in the same practice.
And yes, the main point is still that 10 times a tiny number is still a small number, and when we actually look at a few other factors it really diminishes the actual per person risk.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 02:20 last edited by
I'd say we all know people who've had pretty serious Covid or complications, even if they avoided hospitalization. It would seem likely that the positive effects would apply elsewhere, and not just to hospitalization.
I don't really understand the resistance to vaccines. It's extremely hand-wavy with vague talk about the dangers, and then suddenly we're all being asked to be really, really specific about the benefits.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 11:53 last edited by
I understand it, in a common sense way. We were told that the vaccine would keep us from getting the disease. That, along with a lot of other things we were told, wasn't exactly true.
Among many regular folks, this creates distrust.
And most of those regular folks knew somebody with pretty adverse reactions to the vaccine. In just my immediate family, it knocked my wife's sister on her butt with COVID-like symptoms for a week. Sent my wife into tachycardia, with a pulse rate >170 and so many skips I couldn't count (and possibly A-fib).
Then, the pharma and government folks kept pushing the vaccine for younger and younger children. Regular folks looked around and knew two things, A) children weren't dying from COVID and B) the side-effects from the vaccine were worse than the chances of severe effects from COVID disease.
I think something else regular people figured out pretty early, was that COVID was here to stay, even after the government kept telling us the vaccine would stop the spread. The virus didn't bother to listen to the government.
Not to mention, people kept asking about natural immunity and the government pretty much ignored them.
So, we've got all these conflicting messages swirling around, with a virus that has a declining mortality rate, particularly among people less than 60. Is it any wonder the guy on the street is just a wee bit jaundiced about the COVID vaccine right now?
@jon-nyc said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
By the way, did that literally happen or were you just trying to make the point about “10 x tiny number = small number”.
I’m pretty sure Rachel was older with boy-nyc than Karla was with Fin and nobody ever suggested anything of the kind.
Yes, it really happened. They didn’t say it bluntly, but they kept asking “are you sure? The chances that he will have Downs are ——— times higher… And there are other risks…” We left that OBGYN for another in the same practice.
And yes, the main point is still that 10 times a tiny number is still a small number, and when we actually look at a few other factors it really diminishes the actual per person risk.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 13:46 last edited by@LuFins-Dad said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
@jon-nyc said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
By the way, did that literally happen or were you just trying to make the point about “10 x tiny number = small number”.
I’m pretty sure Rachel was older with boy-nyc than Karla was with Fin and nobody ever suggested anything of the kind.
Yes, it really happened. They didn’t say it bluntly, but they kept asking “are you sure? The chances that he will have Downs are ——— times higher… And there are other risks…” We left that OBGYN for another in the same practice.
And yes, the main point is still that 10 times a tiny number is still a small number, and when we actually look at a few other factors it really diminishes the actual per person risk.
Mind if I ask the ages your wives were? Just curious since my wife is also pregnant, although (knock on wood) all tests and appointments have gone well so far. I grew up with a sister with special needs and can never convey enough to others what a burden it is on parents.
@LuFins-Dad said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
@jon-nyc said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
By the way, did that literally happen or were you just trying to make the point about “10 x tiny number = small number”.
I’m pretty sure Rachel was older with boy-nyc than Karla was with Fin and nobody ever suggested anything of the kind.
Yes, it really happened. They didn’t say it bluntly, but they kept asking “are you sure? The chances that he will have Downs are ——— times higher… And there are other risks…” We left that OBGYN for another in the same practice.
And yes, the main point is still that 10 times a tiny number is still a small number, and when we actually look at a few other factors it really diminishes the actual per person risk.
Mind if I ask the ages your wives were? Just curious since my wife is also pregnant, although (knock on wood) all tests and appointments have gone well so far. I grew up with a sister with special needs and can never convey enough to others what a burden it is on parents.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 17:30 last edited by
Karla was 42.5, too.
Karla was 42.5, too.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 18:29 last edited by@LuFins-Dad @jon-nyc Interesting, I stopped telling people I was "and a half" years old back when I was 34.5 years old. My wife will be 38.9 when the kid is born, btw.
Karla was 42.5, too.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 18:43 last edited by@LuFins-Dad said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
Karla was 42.5, too.
But this wasn't the first child. Wonder if that has any bearing on the percentages?
Karla was 42.5, too.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 18:57 last edited by@LuFins-Dad said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
Karla was 42.5, too.
Ok, 42 years, 7 months, 2 days.
@LuFins-Dad @jon-nyc Interesting, I stopped telling people I was "and a half" years old back when I was 34.5 years old. My wife will be 38.9 when the kid is born, btw.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 18:58 last edited by@89th said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
@LuFins-Dad @jon-nyc Interesting, I stopped telling people I was "and a half" years old back when I was 34.5 years old. My wife will be 38.9 when the kid is born, btw.
Sure, but that close to the edge 1/2 years matter. She likes to say boy-nye was her last egg.
@LuFins-Dad @jon-nyc Interesting, I stopped telling people I was "and a half" years old back when I was 34.5 years old. My wife will be 38.9 when the kid is born, btw.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 19:01 last edited by@89th said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
@LuFins-Dad @jon-nyc Interesting, I stopped telling people I was "and a half" years old back when I was 34.5 years old. My wife will be 38.9 when the kid is born, btw.
I was just responding as @jon-nyc had…
@LuFins-Dad said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
Karla was 42.5, too.
Ok, 42 years, 7 months, 2 days.
wrote on 9 Sept 2022, 19:02 last edited by@jon-nyc said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
@LuFins-Dad said in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults:
Karla was 42.5, too.
Ok, 42 years, 7 months, 2 days.
You win, 42 years, 5 months, 16 days…