"It's all about ME!"
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 13:05 last edited by
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 13:26 last edited by Jolly
Trump has an ego?
Who'd a thunk it?
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 13:27 last edited by
Is there anyone who believes the Clintons did not do the same?
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 13:32 last edited by
True story...
Daniel Radcliffe tells a story about one of his very first interviews on American television, as they were doing a publicity tour for Harry potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He was doing the Today Show at NBC and was back in the Green Room, fidgeting and being noticeable nervous.
A big man walked up to him, asked how he was doing and shook his hand. When he told the man he was very nervous and might mess up his interview, the man told him him just to tell the interviewer..."Guess who I met backstage while I was waiting,. It was Donald Trump!"
And that's how Radcliffe met Trump...
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 14:00 last edited by
That’s a good interview, I listened to it yesterday. Jon had recommended the podcast recently. Barr’s sentiments about Trump and politics in general resonate with me. He didn’t think Jan 6 was a meaningful threat. And he would hold his nose and support Trump should he be the nominee in 2024. Assuming no treason comes to light in these latest shenanigans with the classified documents.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 14:03 last edited by
@Mik said in "It's all about ME!":
Is there anyone who believes the Clintons did not do the same?
Yes. All of us old enough to remember them giving full support to Obama in 2008.
You could argue TR did something similar in 1912. But no modern President has done anything like this.
@Mik said in "It's all about ME!":
Is there anyone who believes the Clintons did not do the same?
Yes. All of us old enough to remember them giving full support to Obama in 2008.
You could argue TR did something similar in 1912. But no modern President has done anything like this.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 15:51 last edited by
“It is a truism of American politics that no man who can win an election deserves to.”
Trevanian, Shibumi
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 15:57 last edited by
Possibly. In fact, probably.
@jon-nyc Once Obama wrapped up the nomination there was no gain in it.
But as Jolly says, politics ain't beanbag. As much as I'd like to see him go away, it does not seem likely.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 16:08 last edited by jon-nyc@Mik said in "It's all about ME!":
@jon-nyc Once Obama wrapped up the nomination there was no gain in it.
But as Jolly says, politics ain't beanbag. As much as I'd like to see him go away, it does not seem likely.
Right but I think that’s Bart’s point, whether he’s correct or not is another matter. But he’s basically say that if Trump loses the nomination he’ll convince his base to stay home.
And I think Barr is correct - It’s hard to imagine him losing the primary and not claiming it was rigged, which would keep a decent chunk of his base away by itself, even if he didn’t actively tell them to stay home.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 16:17 last edited by
They may be disgruntled, but I doubt many would stay home.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 16:18 last edited by
@Mik said in "It's all about ME!":
They may be disgruntled, but I doubt many would stay home.
I dunno. Look at what happened in Georgia. I believe Trump's comments cost the GOP the Senate.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 16:18 last edited by
@Jolly said in "It's all about ME!":
Possibly. In fact, probably.
In evolutionary terms, being an honest and forthright person to one's core, is selectively disadvantageous for vote maximization.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 16:18 last edited by Jolly
I think you're wrong. I don't think you really understand Trump's supporters. I don't think you ever have.
There may be a few who would stay home, but not the vast majority. Especially if the candidate had a majority of positions that aligned with their political views. And if they thought the candidate would fight for those positions.
<EDIT> I was actually trying to shovel this post in behind Jon's comment. Y'all are just too fast for me.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 16:20 last edited by
I agree it's a huge stretch to think significant numbers of Trump supporters would stay home rather than vote, if someone other than Trump were the nominee. But if one believed that most Trump voters are cultists, I suppose that would make sense.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 17:00 last edited by
I doubt Barr believes that. And while he’s ABT in the primary he said if it came down to it he’d vote for Trump again in 24.
wrote on 28 Aug 2022, 17:07 last edited by
The whole podcast is here. It’s a very wide-ranging conversation, not just about 2019-20.