Mar-a-Lago raided
Sure would be nice if we could just trust our Law Enforcement to not be highly politicized and to not be punishing their political enemies, but we've seen so much from the FBI and Justice Department over the past 6 years that you just can't trust their motives or message.
If the FBI hadn't had senior operatives that actively tried to undermine and entrap Candidate, President-Elect, and President Trump then we might be able to trust them.
If the FBI hadn't run an absurd entrapment scheme revolved around kidnapping Governor Whitmer, maybe we could trust them.
If the FBI hadn't tried to stage ridiculous fake rallies with fictitious right-wingers following January 6th, maybe we could trust them.
If the Justice Department had treated various Republican Officials with the same respect in their arrests as they have Democrat Officials, maybe we could trust them. But they haven't.
On the other hand, we have Donald Effin Trump. FFS...
Is it too early in the day to start drinking?
@Catseye3 said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@taiwan_girl said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
I mean, I think it was known, or at least supposed, that President Trump left the White House to material he was not supposed to. It should have been easy enough to say to him, "hey, not sure if you were aware, but some of the material you took has to stay in the Archives. We will send a truck down to pick them up. Appreciate your cooperation."
I redd in another source that the Archives in fact did request at length for Trump to return the items after he left office, and finally reported his non-response to Justice.
As for why he didn't give them back, the answer to that is, because he's Trump and he didn't want to and if he doesn't want to do something he doesn't do it. Because he's Trump.
If it's proven that he did destroy documents rightfully belonging to the Archive, then he's in the soup. Like he is for so many other things.
He sent them the 15 boxes they requested.
Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States."
The FBI director is a Trump appointee.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
I’m totally withholding judgment and I’m totally a conservative. It’s too bad the news cycle will swallow this story whole, should there be no there there, and the I Told You Sos will fall on deaf ears. Will there be not a single liberal who cares about the politicized weaponization of the FBI and Justice? Lol just kidding, the question does not bear asking, as the answer is too obvious.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Yes Matt, there is one.
Two, counting me.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
I’m totally withholding judgment and I’m totally a conservative. It’s too bad the news cycle will swallow this story whole, should there be no there there, and the I Told You Sos will fall on deaf ears. Will there be not a single liberal who cares about the politicized weaponization of the FBI and Justice? Lol just kidding, the question does not bear asking, as the answer is too obvious.
@Horace said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Will there be not a single liberal who cares about the politicized weaponization of the FBI and Justice? Lol just kidding, the question does not bear asking, as the answer is too obvious.
I will. If nothing substantial comes from this, then the decision makers at the FBI and anybody who else who was involved in the decision should be held to account.
@Mik said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Don't hold your breath.
Seems to me there's a long history of the FBI being a law unto themselves, going back to the 1920's, so breath-holding might be unwise.
(Nodding) Because by the time that happens there will be such a tangled schreifest that nobody will learn anything.
To elaborate on LuFin's Karnak predictions:
Of the 45% of the people who defend Trump and attack Justice, 90% will not change their minds, no, not ever, no matter what, and of the 45% who attack Trump and defend Justice, 90% will not change their minds, no, not ever, no matter what. Because both groups will have unassailable support from the entities they crafted their opinions from in the first place and therefore can not be wrong.
And the truth, so-called, will never be determined, much less accepted.
I've toyed with the notion of a world without the Internet because knowledge overdose morphs into bullshit and hurts everybody. Maybe go back to radio and newspapers, I said.
But I'm starting to think maybe we should go back even further, to getting our news from runners with sticks.
@Mik said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Don't hold your breath.
Seems to me there's a long history of the FBI being a law unto themselves, going back to the 1920's, so breath-holding might be unwise.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@Mik said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Don't hold your breath.
Seems to me there's a long history of the FBI being a law unto themselves, going back to the 1920's, so breath-holding might be unwise.
I have sometimes mused on the notion of Hoover, Heydrich and Beria sharing notes and anecdotes while they all bake together in the discomforts of hell.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Thank you for the evidence in support of Jolly’s Banana Republic concerns.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States."
The FBI director is a Trump appointee.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States."
The FBI director is a Trump appointee.
What a maroon.
Does not this idiot understand anything about the current fight within the GOP?
@Mik said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Don't hold your breath.
Seems to me there's a long history of the FBI being a law unto themselves, going back to the 1920's, so breath-holding might be unwise.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@Mik said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Don't hold your breath.
Seems to me there's a long history of the FBI being a law unto themselves, going back to the 1920's, so breath-holding might be unwise.
It's gotten worse. Or maybe not. Maybe it's just that we know more than we used to.