Dewey's post
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey's post:
@Mik said in Dewey's post:
In fairness, Phibes, Dewey is the one that opened that door. I've mostly stayed out of it, as my issue with him is past history, but it's not quite fair for him to cast aspersions on Larry's faith and expect to be immune to scrutiny of his own.
I happen to think that what Larry and others said to Dewey once he strayed from the one true path was just horrible. I’m not surprised he was so hurt.
Right, and it's a test of character to react to that pain. He failed. That's how that worked.
And discussing somebody over here who doesn’t post is just like discussing somebody who’s dead. They’re not here to defend themselves.
No, it's not. It's not the same.
I do. Very much.
I'll tell you why. Every man's path to Christ is his own, but the essentials are the same. The Roman Road, so to speak. And there are things open to interpretation, or we wouldn't have a myriad of denominations, some with minor disagreements, some with more major disagreements.
But what you dont do, is completely ignore what the Bible teaches, especially if that is taught in multiple places, within multiple books in OT and NT. You say all have fallen short of the Glory of God, and we are all sinners? Well, amen, brother! That's true.
We stumble, we fall, but we are commanded to get back up again and do the best we can, to work towards a higher state of Grace. What we are not told to do, is turn our backs on what we know is wrong, or worse, to joyfully engage in sinful behavior with no remorse and no intention of asking for forgiveness.
If you read the pastoral letters - I&II Timothy and Titus - you'll find that leaders within the church are held to a little higher standard. Not an impossible standard, but one that demands their best.
You don't put a drunk in the pulpit, or a man who cheats on his wife, beats his children, etc. The doors of the Church aren't closed to those folks, but they should never be placed in leadership. We had to show a deacon the door last year because of inappropriate behavior with a sixteen year-old girl. I'll pray for him, but he's not staying in any leadership position.
I'll not go item by item, but there are at least three things, probably four, that would keep Dewey out of the pulpit. And not to put words in his mouth, but we've knocked theological heads enough that I can say that Dewey does not believe in Biblical inerrancy, has a lot of trouble with the Pauline Letters and views the Bible as more of a suggestion book. Personally, I feel if you've dragged the Word down to that level, you don't have much Word.
It's written in the End of Days, that many shall bear false witness. That many preachers will engage in oratory for the purpose of tickling men's ears, not to try to actually win them to a Gospel that demands sacrifice, self-control, love for their fellow man and an attentive heart to God's Will, including the Judgement that awaits us all.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey's post:
They’re not here to defend themselves.
Yup, there is no way Dewey has seen this thread.
The Dewey vs Larry team has been trashing each other for years.
With Larry gone it is up to his friends to carry on.
Otherwise it would be too one-sided.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey's post:
And discussing somebody over here who doesn’t post is just like discussing somebody who’s dead. They’re not here to defend themselves.
This thread is not the only time this has happened on one of our forums.
Shucks, most of our debate is pointless. It's our talent and strength!
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey's post:
@Mik said in Dewey's post:
In fairness, Phibes, Dewey is the one that opened that door. I've mostly stayed out of it, as my issue with him is past history, but it's not quite fair for him to cast aspersions on Larry's faith and expect to be immune to scrutiny of his own.
I happen to think that what Larry and others said to Dewey once he strayed from the one true path was just horrible. I’m not surprised he was so hurt.
And discussing somebody over here who doesn’t post is just like discussing somebody who’s dead. They’re not here to defend themselves.
He can defend himself if he wishes.
Larry cannot.
Furthermore, he's spreading his opinion to the Attaboy Choir in a medium where he controls the message.
And the conversation. -
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey's post:
People are all shitting on Dewey. I’ve never met him, but I’ve met somebody a number of times who I very much liked and who worked on charitable outreaches with him overseas, and she says he’s awesome. Good enough for me.
I couldn’t give a fuck whether he’s apostate or not, or gay, or whatever.I have met Dewey. He actually sat in a car for 4 hours just to have lunch with me. I don't know everything he did or said, especially religion-wise, but he is quite enjoyable company. I couldn't care less which version of God he believes in that I don't believe in, or which kinds of sexual organs he prefers.
Dewey has fashioned the life for himself of his choosing. I doubt many of us know of anybody who is as exalted as he is for being a walk-the-walk virtuous guy. He's even a martyr in his own time, as we see from the reaction to his public trolling of Larry's corpse. Now, it's up to any of us to judge why he's happened to find himself in this role of a public virtue beacon, recognized and exalted as such by those he chooses to surround himself with. Is it because he really is this paragon? Did the crowd choose him? Or did he fashion himself to be chosen by the crowd? I know exactly the answer to that question, and I've known it for years.
I have fewer issues with Dewey than I did with Larry, and I have quite a few issues with Dewey.
If Dewey’s apostate then so is the Church of England, easily the best church in the world, for obvious reasons.
So he’s in good company.
@Mik said in Dewey's post:
Hell, Phibes, even a heathen like me has a better chance than Anglicans.
We have a special heaven just for us. No Americans allowed. As a lapsed Canuck, you might be allowed to visit.
@George-K said in Dewey's post:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey's post:
And discussing somebody over here who doesn’t post is just like discussing somebody who’s dead. They’re not here to defend themselves.
This thread is not the only time this has happened on one of our forums.
Yeah, Trump could come by if he wanted to, but he's fucking scared, I tell ya!
@LuFins-Dad said in Dewey's post:
I have fewer issues with Dewey than I did with Larry, and I have quite a few issues with Dewey.
Yeah, but Dewey ain't dead.
@taiwan_girl said in Dewey's post:
And lets be honest, if the situation were reversed, I do not think Larry would have been all lovey-dovey towards Dewey in a memory post.
When Wacki-Iraqi made it known his cancer was back, and he had only a short time left, it was Larry who started a thread, reaching out to bury the hatchet so to speak. Many others (friends and adversaries) joined in as well of course. It was a pretty nice moment for the forum.
So if I had to guess how Larry would have handled Deweys announcement of a terminal illness, or news of his death, I believe it would have been along those lines.
@Jolly said in Dewey's post:
@LuFins-Dad said in Dewey's post:
I have fewer issues with Dewey than I did with Larry, and I have quite a few issues with Dewey.
Yeah, but Dewey ain't dead.
I don't like slagging off recently deceased people at all. People are almost certainly out there hurting, and you've always got to wonder who's reading.
I kind of raised the timing of the post with Dewey, admittedly in a bit of a half-hearted way - other people just ripped into him, which is never going to work on Facebook, you're really just virtue signaling since they're going to block you.
Having said that, I had lots of issues with Larry, but if I'm honest I never really felt like I knew him. I don't know whether the warm-hearted guy who occasionally paid for people's groceries was really him, or whether the guy who boasted about all kinds of stuff was really him. He did sometimes make me laugh like a drain, which is always good. In the old days, lots of people stayed anonymous on the internet, and I think Larry was of that generation. Now, we probably all share way too much about our real life.