back from vacation
back from my NE vacation with anna magdelena, which included, more or less in this order, Provincetown (and quick trip to woods hole) Cape Cod, the Adirondacks in upper NY State. and then the finger lakes in central NY. quick round up in a few posts.
Provincetown has a fascinating history, long before it became the east coast LGBT capital. the mayflower pligrims landed here first before realizing they cant actually flourish on a spit of sand, and subsequently escaped to the mainland at plymouth.then it was taken over by fisherman, many of Portuguese descent. now its filled with lovely small New England houses wonderfully landscaped in flowers. sure a bit touristy but quaint nonetheless. but very very gay, if that kind of thing offends you, dont bother. its similar to the castro in SF, nothing held back in terms of in your face gayness. we liked it, a fun vibe.
woods hole. my nephew is a tenured ocean researcher there, so we got a great inside tour...saw lots of neat ocean going vehicles of all sorts, lots of gauges and instruments measuring all sorts of data.
the light house off the coast of woods hole
off the cape there is an undersea mount called the stellwagen bank, where nutrients are thrown up from the depths and become a source of food for the food chain, culminating with the ultimate consumer, the whale, and in our case, humpbacks. who seem to love to show off. Ive been whale watching off san diego, where we see a few migrating grey whales. this is a completely different experience. they were everywhere and constantly breeching, splashing, jumping and of course opening their big jaws and consuming their afternoon lunch....
they were so close had i jumped off the boat i would have landed in an open mouth and do a real life Jonah
always wanted to go to the dax (adirondacks) but never managed, so this was a bucket list item. huge tracts of empty space, adirondack state park alone is bigger than a lot of US states, and quite empty.
days spent mostly hiking to peaks for views
and finishing with a fire pit and a bottle of NY state wine, not bad, they specialize in whites, we drank a great sauvignon blanc whose name escapes me now
finger lakes in central NY. more genteel, less wild than the dax,
lots of Mennonite farmers in buggies...peaecful streams
and watkins glen
also had a X3 beemer rental which made the long drivesd pleasant.
overall very restful vacation, which is what we needed
now im back in the shithole of work
but i have a quick trip to minnessoooota for my nephew's the woods hole wave researchers wedding in september, and an important medical conference in Bordeaux (yea i know, thats a tough one) in October
no rest for the weary
finger lakes in central NY. more genteel, less wild than the dax,
lots of Mennonite farmers in buggies...peaecful streams
and watkins glen
also had a X3 beemer rental which made the long drivesd pleasant.
overall very restful vacation, which is what we needed
now im back in the shithole of work
but i have a quick trip to minnessoooota for my nephew's the woods hole wave researchers wedding in september, and an important medical conference in Bordeaux (yea i know, thats a tough one) in October
no rest for the weary
@bachophile Thanks for sharing. Looks like a beautiful area and a good vacation for you!!!