Democrat mayors don't want illegal migrants in their towns.
...Reality is the final arbiter... (from the article)
Would be a great bumper sticker for here in the magic land of PDX!!
Of course no one would understand that damn German word at the end, seeing as we can only see Russia from our back yards and know words like Dah and Net.
@Mik said in Democrat mayors don't want illegal migrants in their towns.:
You just heard Pelosi calling out for the illegals to be there to harvest the Florida crops. That’s modern day slavery.
Next you’re going to tell me “unpaid internship” is modern day slavery too?
And what “illegals”? The immigrants that were flown to Martha’s Vineyard were in Texas with legal status. It’s DeSantis (a Republican) who lured them into a flight and flew them to Massachusetts without their informed consent. DeSantis moving people around without informed consent is a lot more like the old time slave traders shipping slaves around without informed consent.
At least Pelosi does not make the immigrants do work or ship them around against their free will.
@Axtremus said in Democrat mayors don't want illegal migrants in their towns.:
At least Pelosi does not make the immigrants do work or ship them around against their free will.
Have we forgotten about the Napa Valley winery owned by the wealthy Ms. Pelosi?
This thing where some of the immigrants were not technically illegals, and all the feels and indignation it is causing amongst those whose votes for republicans were lost since long before this situation arose, is an interesting study in whether political feels are real. This is an eternal question. Are people feeling genuine outrage, or just outrage for political effect? After you realize that emotions in general are designed to a parroting of the emotions of one's tribe, the answer to that question becomes difficult. There is nothing unreal or untrue about the emotions felt by members of a mob, in the interest of the mob. Any more than emotions felt in service of one's self, are unreal or untrue, even if self interest blinds us to a fair appraisal of the situation, where lots of different interests intersect.
"Perla," the person who did the leg work to lure the immigrants from Texas only DeSantis' flights to Martha Vineyard has been identified.
Busload dropped at Kamala's doorstep, lol: