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And morbidly obese would be a plus
Calls for Biden to name a black running mate grow louder
With the national spotlight focused on police brutality toward minorities and the larger issue of racism in the two weeks since the death of George Floyd, the volume has been turned up on calls for Joe Biden to name a black woman as his running mate.
It seems undeniable that as the former vice president considers one of the most consequential decisions of his White House bid – whom he’ll choose as running mate – the wave of unrest sweeping across America’s cities sparked by Floyd’s death is impacting his decision-making as it elevates the combustible issue of racial injustice.
But the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee -- in an interview with CBS News that was broadcast on Tuesday – said that the events of the past two weeks “haven’t” impacted him as he decides whom he’ll name as the party’s vice presidential nominee “except it’s put a greater focus and urgency on the need to get someone who is totally simpatico with where I am” on matters such as “the systemic things that you want to change.” -
He should pick a black woman, seriously. A woman only meets all lives matter criteria and the moment is black lives matter.
Michele Obama would be tantamount to dropping the mike but I don’t think she wants it.
Remember, without Clyburn he was a dead man walking. Stacy might be an issue though, probably worse than Ka,ala.
@Mik said in Help wanted, must be the correct color and gender:
This past two weeks has swung me much closer to doing so.
To be fair, you've been saying that for four years
This observation by Lee Drutman feels important:
"Two things are different about American politics in this moment, though. One, because of Trump’s coalition (more rural, more rust-belt working class, and therefore over-represented in the Electoral College), he can still plausibly win with just 46 percent of the popular vote. Second, because of the power of partisanship, Trump doesn’t have to be popular. He just has to be less unpopular than his opponent in a handful of key swing states."
@jon-nyc said in Help wanted, must be the correct color and gender:
Yeah, a month ago I was certain it was going to be Amy Klobuchar and now I doubt it will be anyone who used to be a prosecutor. And I'd bet 50/50 it's going to be a black candidate at this point.
I think Kampala will be test marketed again. I suspect secretly this is who Biden hopes can survive (her own party).
Whatever happens in November, heads will explode.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Help wanted, must be the correct color and gender:
Whatever happens in November, heads will explode.
I suppose. Speaking personally, I am confident that I will never hate a president as much as your typical TDS sufferer hates Trump. For that matter, I don't think I have ever been personally acquainted with anybody who hated a president as much as TDS sufferers hate Trump. I think Trump is the all time great head exploder.
@Mik said in Help wanted, must be the correct color and gender:
t will never happen. It makes way too much sense. Besides, I don't think she'd take it.
It does not make sense at all. Not because Ms. Rice is not a good person or is incompetent, but because if Mr. Biden cannot complete his term, Ms. Rice will succeed Mr. Biden as a Republican President. It makes no sense for the Democrats to take that chance.
@89th said in Help wanted, must be the correct color and gender:
Kamala Harris I could see... although <puts on flame suit> she is not African American. I think her dad is Jamaican and her mom is Indian.
Annnd where do you think the Jamaicans came from?