Dad brag
We've been shopping around for a kid's bike. Went to Wal-Mart, and I was appalled. Those things were fucking death traps. Plastic spokes, brakes that are impossible to use.
Went into a Goodwill to look for goofy ass coffee mugs because I like that kind of thing, and saw a kid's bike in exactly the size she needed. I also know bikes. This one was a Liv, and purchased only a year ago. No rust, near perfect condition. New, it's about $300.
Got it for $8 because I bitched that the tires were flat and the training wheels were busted. (which they were).
Bought training wheels* and some new tubes for like $20.
Even better, the bike's adjustable in more areas than the average Wal-Mart bike. She can hold on to this one for a little while.
*I'm anti-trainers, because strider bikes help teach balance a lot better and faster. But, she hates those. So, trainers it is.