Somebody, anybody, please help
@89th said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
Based on her eye contact she was scrambling in her book of policy positions to find a canned answer. Clearly she didn’t go to the right page.
The straight white male president gets an ear piece for his press conferences, while his LBGTQ spokesperson of color gets a disorganized stack of notes. This sort of systemic racism and bigotry is infuriating.
@Horace said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
@jon-nyc said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
Well it kind of comes with the role. Their job is to torch any reputation they ever had and defend the indefensible. And it’s probably been that way since the Eisenhower administration.
Do you think her predecessor ever sounded that helplessly ignorant as she fumbled for an answer? Hand wavy answers do exist to that question. She wasn’t able to get anywhere near one.
I don't generally watch these folk, however I seem to recall that Sean Spicer frequently sounded that lost.
It's a horrible job. I wonder how much they get paid.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
It's a horrible job. I wonder how much they get paid.
Psaki is reported to make around $183,000 per year with a net worth of $2 million, according to Exact Net Worth. Her former stint as a CNN political commentator was included in that configuration.
Some interesting numbers there....
@George-K said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
It's a horrible job. I wonder how much they get paid.
Psaki is reported to make around $183,000 per year with a net worth of $2 million, according to Exact Net Worth. Her former stint as a CNN political commentator was included in that configuration.
That's not much for such a high profile job. Nobody in government gets paid particularly well. I daresay they do pretty well after they quit.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
That's not much for such a high profile job. Nobody in government gets paid particularly well.
That's the top salary for anyone in government, I believe. POTUS, VPOTUS, etc earn more.
I daresay they do pretty well after they quit.
And yeah, I'd say it's a safe bet that Psaki will do much better on CNN.
@George-K said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
That's the top salary for anyone in government, I believe.
There's a funny story about William Clay Ford Jr. of Ford reviewing all the corporate salaries, and looking at the absolute top earners in the organization. 'WHO THE HELL IS THIS EDMUND IRVINE?' who was apparently right on the top of the list.
He was an Irish Formula 1 driver, who Ford inherited after they bought Jaguar (and also got the F1 team by accident). Best known for being a bit of a playboy, and ok as a driver - he lucked into being Michael Schumacher's team-mate at Ferrari, mostly because he wasn't going to cause Schumacher too many problems. He then managed to finagle a ridiculous salary at Jaguar on the back of Ferrari's success.
I don't think his salary continued for very long.
It's also not just government that are completely out of touch with what's going on.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
Nobody in government gets paid particularly well.
Well that's not even close to true, when you factor in pensions and job security and a near complete insulation from market forces such as an expectation that you do your job well.
@Horace said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Somebody, anybody, please help:
Nobody in government gets paid particularly well.
Well that's not even close to true, when you factor in pensions and job security and a near complete insulation from market forces such as an expectation that you do your job well.
Well, it's mediocre pay and great benefits if you want to be picky.