Free COVID Tests for homes
Just got another USPS solicitation to order eight more 'free' covid tests. While the convenience is nice, we still have plenty of tests from the last round. I've never used one at home.
It's not reasonable to believe these home tests will not sharply reduce cases reported, and I cannot help but wonder if that is not the intent.
You may be right.
I think cases are being severely underreported right now. The hospitals and public health are still turning their numbers in (right now, 1:100,000 for us), but I dont think many of the doc's offices are forwarding much and I doubt you get anything from home testing.
Reported cases have tripled in Ohio in the last month. That's just reported cases. I'm sure there are many, many more that were determined from home tests.
That's one way to tamp down the pandemic without any effective action. Deaths, thankfully, are flat or declining.