The Easter hunters wish you a happy Easter!
This is Min, or Minnie, the largest of all the frogs. She is an excellent hunter, and will eat the largest crickets I give the froggos. She can outhunt even the males.
Doobie is on his favorite leaf after a hunt. He has the most melodious trill, very soft and sweet. He is the second largest of the froggos, and has a very mellow personality, which fits his name, and his preference to be high in the froggo house.
Poppy, aka Popcorn, has grown a LOT in the last few months. He used to be the second smallest, and now he's close to the size of Doobie, although he's at least twice as loud. You can see that he has been trilling, because his vocal sac is still distended enough to have a fold in it while not inflated for a trill. While not as melodius, he can be heard throughout the house when he gets going. It's hilarious when hubby is on a call for work, and as hubby talks louder and louder, Poppy will begin trilling very loudly. I hope the other people on the call can hear Poppy.
Poppy will also trill when he wants a shower from the misting bottle, which I always bring to them when called. It's like he's requesting room service.
Here's the beautiful Blue, named for her unusual coloring, which is a soft teal. She is truly the most beautiful one of the bunch, IMO. She looks rather regal with her fancy coloring as she sits on her throne. She has claimed the lop level of the multilayered basking stand on the floor of the froggo house. There are multiple steps to get to the top level of the stand, and she almost always claims it for herself, so she can survey her kingdom.
This littlest guy is Peanut. I assume Peanut is male, simply becuse of his size for now. The smaller frogs are generally male, and Peanut is the smallest of the bunch. He has shown some signs of trilling, although he has not made any noises yet. He will huff and puff as though trying to inflate his throat, but it's not fully inflating yet.
He has one leg that is somewhat lame. The sections below the knee never formed fully, and he has little use from it. It forces him to rely on his front legs to pull himself along, and his one good back leg to slowly drag the other bad leg. Surprisingly, he can still jump and climb. Once in a while, if I see him struggling, I give him a little boost to help him get where he wants to go.
He especially likes to be near Blue. They are buddies, which is quite amusing, because he is so small compared to her.The froggos all wish you happy hunting for your Easter eggs, as they hunt for their Easter crickets this holiday.
@89th said in The Easter hunters wish you a happy Easter!:
Poppy looks happy, almost too happy. You should make sure he isn't up to trouble.
Oh, he's absolutely up to trouble every time he starts trilling during one of hubby's online work meetings! Poppy is LOUD and proud if it!
I really hope to one day hear hubby on one of his work calls saying,
"Oh, yeah, that's one of our frogs trilling.
Yes, I said FROG.
Yes, we have frogs in our house. We have five of them.
No, it's not weird! These are pet frogs.
Yes, you can really have frogs as pets, or at least my wife does.
No, they don't hop around in the house! They're in their own frog house.
It's in the dining room right now, because it gets cold at night.
Yes, I said the dining room! Where would you think they'd be?
No, in the summer, they're on the side of the front porch.
Yes, they're still in their frog house.
They eat bugs, like crickets and flies and stuff.
No, they eat them live, and catch them inside their house.
No, my wife does the feeding of the frogs.
No, she doesn't BAKE for the frogs. They eat bugs!
Oh, and you never do ANYTHING weird, right? Ha, I know you guys too well to think YOU'RE all normal!" -
@Mik said in The Easter hunters wish you a happy Easter!:
your frogs.
Thank you! I still adore my little froggo babies. Hubby likes to check on them several times per day, too. He has gotten more attached to them over time, and I wasn't sure about that at first. Since we only have five now, I suppose it's easier for him to keep track of each one, and get to know their looks and personalities.
They have gotten even funnier as they mature. The trilling and other adult behaviors are becoming a thing. There has not been any mating that I have seen, but that might arrive as we get into warmer weather, and when they have their house outdoors on the side porch. For now, they have their buddies. The three biggest frogs all hang out on the top level of the frog house, the penthouse. The two smaller ones get the rest of the house, and primarily use the bottom level and the first layer of pool noodles.
Like any pet, it's fun to get them new toys and accoutrements for their house. I've even made some things for them, like crocheted ladders to go from one level to the next in their house. Yes, they actually use the ladders. It's adorable!
I've also added many plants. They now have 4 bromiliads, 4 orchids, and several pothos that grow from the floor to the very top of their house, and from the hanging pot at the top all the way to the bottom. They love their plants. Any plant in their house has to be sturdy enough for a fat little frog to climb on it.
Right now we're looking at setting up a drip system to refill their ponds while we are away for a few days sometimes. We have travelled with the frogs, but I cannot say they like it. It would be nice for short times to allow them to stay home with a drip system to keep them hydrated. They can go a few days with bugs in their house to eat, and then a few more days of digesting said bugs, before needing a refill of more bugs. That would allow us to be gone for 5 , 6 , or even 7 days. Maybe I will set up a froggo cam to keep an eye on them, too. LOL
@George-K said in The Easter hunters wish you a happy Easter!:
This is such a wonderful, refreshing thread.
Bless you and your froggos, @brenda !
ETA: Is their trilling seasonal? We had all kinds of froggos at the Cheddarshack, and every spring the racket was unbelievable.
Yes, the trilling increases during the spring, and this spring we have two that are big trillers, and one that I suspect is male, but has not trilled yet. The gurls are not vocal usually, but are capable of making an occasional chirp. Their job is to make the males follow them around, which happens more now. We'll see where that leads ...
Really, they are not much different from hoomans that way.