Better Call Saul Season Six
@Mik MS has it on her calendar!
Yeah...really enjoying it so far.
I'd forgotten so much of what's happened, I binged thru season 5 in the last few days.
I'm only a couple of episodes in so far, and some critics are saying it's better than "Breaking Bad." Not sure if I agree, yet, but it's damn good.
The stylistic flourishes that Vince Gilligan developed in Breaking Bad are so prevalent in BCS. Also there's much more of "Chekov's Gun" stuff in BCS which I'm really enjoying.
I don't know what the "vision" of the producers was, but I get the sense that every episode moves the story forward with a clear goal in mind. Sort of the way that Babylon 5 was designed to tell A STORY. It's like a book - it's going to end, and the author knows exactly how it's going to end. That's the sense I get from BCS.
Odenkirk and Shoehorn are great, of course.
The supporting cast is amazing as well, down to the "irrelevant characters" who are there just to fill out a scene.
Ok I’ll bite. I finally watched all of Breaking Bad. Is Better Call Saul worth the same time investment? Sounds like it.
@89th said in Better Call Saul Season Six:
Ok I’ll bite. I finally watched all of Breaking Bad. Is Better Call Saul worth the same time investment? Sounds like it.
Absolutely. There are so many references to what happens in Breaking Bad that it's fun to watch.
As I said, the story seems "tighter".
Breaking Bad, as great as it was, seemed to meander every now and then (Season 3 is an example). What was with the plane crash? The bear?
BCS doesn't suffer from this lack of direction. It's a straightforward tale of the descent of Jimmy McGill from aspiring lawyer to the consigliere to the Mexican drug cartels.
Many of the Breaking Bad characters you've come to enjoy are major players.
- Hector Salamanca (and his bell)
- Gustavo Fring (and Los Pollos Hermanos)
- Mike Ehermantraut
- The "cousins"
- Tuco Salamanca
There are a lot of cameos
- Gale Boetticher
- Hank Schader
- Walter White (of course)
- Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
- Huell Babineaux
As I said, I'm not sure how it'll end, but I've really enjoyed it so far. Worth a binge.
@89th said in Better Call Saul Season Six:
Ok I’ll bite. I finally watched all of Breaking Bad. Is Better Call Saul worth the same time investment? Sounds like it.
Absolutely. There are so many references to what happens in Breaking Bad that it's fun to watch.
As I said, the story seems "tighter".
Breaking Bad, as great as it was, seemed to meander every now and then (Season 3 is an example). What was with the plane crash? The bear?
BCS doesn't suffer from this lack of direction. It's a straightforward tale of the descent of Jimmy McGill from aspiring lawyer to the consigliere to the Mexican drug cartels.
Many of the Breaking Bad characters you've come to enjoy are major players.
- Hector Salamanca (and his bell)
- Gustavo Fring (and Los Pollos Hermanos)
- Mike Ehermantraut
- The "cousins"
- Tuco Salamanca
There are a lot of cameos
- Gale Boetticher
- Hank Schader
- Walter White (of course)
- Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
- Huell Babineaux
As I said, I'm not sure how it'll end, but I've really enjoyed it so far. Worth a binge.
Speaking of cameos. "Wendy" makes an appearance or three....
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