More Trek
wrote on 4 Apr 2022, 20:26 last edited by
On the plus side, Anson Mount as Pike. This show is set 10 years before Kirk, et al.
On the negative side, seems too tongue in cheek.
I'm sure they'll fuck it up like they did Discovery.
Link to video -
wrote on 4 Apr 2022, 20:33 last edited by
Willing to give it a shot. Anson Mount was the best thing about Discovery. But that's a pretty low bar.
Willing to give it a shot. Anson Mount was the best thing about Discovery. But that's a pretty low bar.
wrote on 5 May 2022, 23:22 last edited by George K 5 May 2022, 23:24
Let's hope the series rises to the quality of the opening sequence.
"Discovery" and "Picard" are way too, well, weird.
THIS is Star Trek:
Link to video"Let's take her out...Warp factor 2. Hit it."
wrote on 6 May 2022, 00:12 last edited by
OK, I'm about 15 minutes into this.
It's good. It's DAMN good. It's trek, and has has the right mix of humor, seriousness, characters, etc.
They reference "Lieutenant Kirk" whom Pike requested.
Spock is appropriately dry, and approachable.
As if you didn't expect it, Anson Mount is great.
I'll receiver further comments after the next 40 minutes.
I'm hopeful.
Oh, remember that scene from "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" in which Scotty takes Kirk on the tour of the Enterprise in dry dock? Yeah, they give a nod to that.
wrote on 6 May 2022, 01:01 last edited by George K 5 Jun 2022, 01:02
Not bad. Not bad at all.
But, not great.
First of all, it gets a bit preachy in the last 15 minutes or so. Totally unnecessary.
Secondly, the "wink and nod" toward ST:TOS is just a bit too obvious. The sense of humor is just a bit strained.
But, it's light. It's fun and I'll probably continue with the series (unlike Discovery or Picard) for at least this season.
Mount is great, of course. The young Spock, Uhura and Chappel are fun as well.
"Samuel Kirk?"
wrote on 6 May 2022, 18:08 last edited by
Kirk's dad.
Just finished it. This is Star Trek at its best. A bit preachy and maybe a little too much introspection, but Pike's did serve the story.
Like it. Like seeing a story wrapped up in an episode.
Kirk's dad.
Just finished it. This is Star Trek at its best. A bit preachy and maybe a little too much introspection, but Pike's did serve the story.
Like it. Like seeing a story wrapped up in an episode.
wrote on 6 May 2022, 18:16 last edited byKirk's dad.
George Samuel Kirk made his first appearance on Star Trek: The Original Series. He was introduced as James’ older brother.
The character, who was a scientist, made a very brief appearance on the show and was portrayed by William Shatner.
More specifically, Samuel, who was often referred to as ‘Sam,’ was a research biologist living on the planet Deneva. He was married to a woman named Aurelan, portrayed by Joan Swift, and had three sons.
Sam gets killed by flying parasites and it was James, who’s usually referred to as Jim, who found his dead body at the start of “Operation – Annihilate!”
Just finished it. This is Star Trek at its best. A bit preachy and maybe a little too much introspection, but Pike's did serve the story.
Like it. Like seeing a story wrapped up in an episode.
Well, ST:TOS as well as TNG and to a lesser extent DS9 were all very episodic in nature. That's the way all TV was back in the dark ages. I would have to say that Babylon 5 began to break that mold in the mid-1990s.
But yeah, it's "Trek," to be sure. Goes off the rails a bit, and, as you say, a bit preachy at times. Overall, a sold 4 out of 5 stars.
wrote on 7 May 2022, 21:38 last edited by
Jonah Goldberg:
"Watched the first episode of Star Trek: Brave New Worlds. I liked it. But the idea that Earth would still be using giant windmills after we cracked anti-matter technology is just insanely stupid."
See my "preachy" comment above, LOL.
wrote on 7 May 2022, 21:43 last edited by
Yeah, that occurred to me as well, but I wrote it off because it kind of worked. Not sure how realistic a show about warp speed, galaxy hopping and photon torpedoes really needs to be. Willing suspension of disbelief and all that.
wrote on 7 May 2022, 22:04 last edited by Horace 5 Jul 2022, 22:18
I assume there were no birds anywhere.
When conservatives dominate pop culture, there'll be a scene in their version of Star Trek where the kid tugs on his dad's sleeve and asks "daddy, what did birds sound like?" Then the dad will describe the beautiful singing, lost forever to the avian genocide of windmills. Sometimes, he'll explain, society gets caught up by evil ideologues, like Hitler, Putin, and Thunberg. But eventually, the good, conservative progressives lead the way for a better future.
I assume there were no birds anywhere.
When conservatives dominate pop culture, there'll be a scene in their version of Star Trek where the kid tugs on his dad's sleeve and asks "daddy, what did birds sound like?" Then the dad will describe the beautiful singing, lost forever to the avian genocide of windmills. Sometimes, he'll explain, society gets caught up by evil ideologues, like Hitler, Putin, and Thunberg. But eventually, the good, conservative progressives lead the way for a better future.
wrote on 12 May 2022, 18:27 last edited by
Episode 2 was maybe better than 1.
A worthy successor and much better than Discovery or Picard.
Episode 2 was maybe better than 1.
A worthy successor and much better than Discovery or Picard.
wrote on 12 May 2022, 19:17 last edited byEpisode 2 was maybe better than 1.
Maybe. At least its equal. I'm enjoying the Uhura backstory, and Pike's struggle with his mortality. I wonder how they'll deal with that, considering that it's canon that Pike dies.
A worthy successor and much better than Discovery or Picard.
And how. It also shows how well episodic TV can be done. I hope it keeps it up.
"Spock's girlfriend," LOL.
wrote on 12 May 2022, 19:47 last edited by
Ah, but he doesn't die! He gets all messed up, but still alive, and as they dhow him here, in the chair like ST original. I cannot help but wonder if he will escape that fate.
Ah, but he doesn't die! He gets all messed up, but still alive, and as they dhow him here, in the chair like ST original. I cannot help but wonder if he will escape that fate.
wrote on 12 May 2022, 19:54 last edited by -
wrote on 12 May 2022, 20:26 last edited by
Dinner was great. I actually loved the whole episode.
wrote on 2 Jun 2022, 02:04 last edited by
Well done.
VERY well done.
It's Classic "Trek" at its best. It gets a bit maudlin and preachy in this episode, but still has the right mix of adventure and excitement. This could have been an episode from 1967, because Gorn. Yep, Gorn.
Episodic TV still works.
Oh, in sick bay, they showed a bag of "plasma" hanging...
That's really what it looks like.
It's usually a 500 ml bag, but who knows what it'll be in 300 years, right?
wrote on 2 Jun 2022, 17:06 last edited by
But we did not SEE the Gorn, unlike the original, where they were reptilian.
Still, excellent Trek. Best of the spinoff series so far, and aren't the special effects great?
Mount is superb. The new Spock is believable. Some of the women are overdone, but what the heck.
Looking forward to E5, which promises to be funny.