Elon Musk buys a big chunk of Twitter
@jon-nyc said in Elon Musk buys a big chunk of Twitter:
No, Horace, we’re not going to get off your lawn yet. Come back to us in 20 years.
20 years isn’t nearly enough time to shift this cultural polarity. We will all be going to our graves with the left being the dominant cultural force.
Raise your hand if you’ve been in work meetings where people introduce themselves by announcing their pronouns? I have. Actually only one guy, several months ago. A straight white male who wanted to announce to the workplace that he was down with the cause, but totally normal personally. It made me cringe. I actually knew the guy pretty well, having worked with him pretty closely several years ago, before he left the company for several years, only to come back recently. Straight white male STEM phd, completely indoctrinated but relatively bright otherwise.
@Horace said in Elon Musk buys a big chunk of Twitter:
Raise your hand if you’ve been in work meetings where people introduce themselves by announcing their pronouns? I have. Actually only one guy, several months ago. A straight white male who wanted to announce to the workplace that he was down with the cause, but totally normal personally. It made me cringe. I actually knew the guy pretty well, having worked with him pretty closely several years ago, before he left the company for several years, only to come back recently. Straight white male STEM phd, completely indoctrinated but relatively bright otherwise.
Hasn't happened to me yet, luckily. I think maybe there was a corporate video one time where the person introduced themselves like that, but it wasn't awkward. Sorry, by "it" I mean the video.
I’m on a weekly meeting with PIs and trial coordinators from 10 different major universities. One MD/PhD has his pronouns in his zoom name, They could easily be inferred by his appearance and name, IOW, it’s entirely performative.
Interestingly he’s not from a coastal university, it’s UNC.
I’m on a weekly meeting with PIs and trial coordinators from 10 different major universities. One MD/PhD has his pronouns in his zoom name, They could easily be inferred by his appearance and name, IOW, it’s entirely performative.
Interestingly he’s not from a coastal university, it’s UNC.
@jon-nyc said in Elon Musk buys a big chunk of Twitter:
One MD/PhD has his pronouns in his zoom name, They could easily be inferred by his appearance and name, IOW, it’s entirely performative.
Yes, I would think so as well. However, I could just as easily see this person preferring to use "They" as a pronoun. That's not obvious from appearance.
Elon wants to make sure all Twitter accounts are actual humans. he hates the spam accounts. Not a bad idea.
Tesla wiped roughly $126 billion off its valuation Tuesday as the stock fell 12% on investors’ concern that Elon Musk may sell shares to complete his $44 billion takeover of Twitter.
The electric-vehicle maker’s market capitalization is now down more than $275 billion since April 4, when Musk disclosed that he increased his Twitter stake. That’s a drop of roughly 23%. The dollar value of Musk’s 17% stake in Tesla has shrunk by more than $40 billion, almost double the equity portion he pledged in the Twitter transaction.
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It must be nice to have so much money that you can lose or make billions simply by trolling.
Still challenging to identify professional propaganda accounts that disguise themselves as casual users.
@Axtremus said in Elon Musk buys a big chunk of Twitter:
Still challenging to identify professional propaganda accounts that disguise themselves as casual users.
I'm not at all in the tech field, but that seems like a rather simple thing to solve for as a general condition. It needn't be perfect to be very good.
@Axtremus said in Elon Musk buys a big chunk of Twitter:
Still challenging to identify professional propaganda accounts that disguise themselves as casual users.
I'm not at all in the tech field, but that seems like a rather simple thing to solve for as a general condition. It needn't be perfect to be very good.
@Ivorythumper said in Elon Musk buys a big chunk of Twitter:
I'm not at all in the tech field, but that seems like a rather simple thing to solve for as a general condition. It needn't be perfect to be very good.
Cat and mouse game. You try to up your game at piercing through their disguise, they try to up their game at improving their disguise.