PVC extension question
My sump pump discharge pipe on the outside of my house has a 1.5” PVC elbow like above. I’d like the add a flexible extension pipe (maybe 5 feet long?) to it so I can funnel the water into a drain nearby.
Question: what would be the best part(s) to attach to this elbow, preferably something I can remove prior to each winter?
For reference, the black corrugated pipe is what I need to connect to (insert into). Last spring when we moved in I threw a quick fix onto the discharge pipe using the lay flat tubing you can see macguyver’d here. It was meant to be for a few weeks while I was away but has done the trick until now where it’s leaking a bit.
Flex PVC. With a clamp.
You're welcome.
If it were mine, I would put a T fitting on the black corrugate that allows you to dump into the top. Then put an end cap on the open end and find a fitting that works for you like a downspout adapter. Then you can bury most of the black corrugated and it will look a lot better.
Good advice, normally that would work but the existing black underground corrugated pipe (which I can’t remove easily) has a crack near the exposed end so I need to insert a (flex pvc?) pipe into it about 2-3 feet to bypass the cracked section. Appreciate the idea!
I have seen mice get through the smallest gap in the sealant.
I'll go and take a picture later... I used "Aqua-seal" tape to close off the corrugated pipe opening. Although to be honest, the opening has always been there for probably 15 years and leads towards a street drain about 30 feet away, but the idea of critters/debris getting in the pipe(s) there was inspiration enough to close off access.